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"Sex is an emotion in motion"
~Mae west

Oh Hayoung PoV

She was stunned when she feel his lips on her shoulder. She shivers and got goosebumps. He lift his lips and brought it to her ear, and whispered to ask if she's cold. She couldn't speak so overwhelmed by this unfamiliar emotions he evoked.

"Cats got your tongue?" He whispered again. She could only shake her head slowly. He move his lips to kiss behind her ear, slowly travelling downwards. She felt his breathe on her neck, her hand on his chest move up unconsciously pulling him closer and move her head exposing her neck thus he gets more access.
His hands moved to hold her waist closer to him. Her breath hitched when he bit her collarbone lightly before sucking a spot above it.

He stopped and look at her in the eyes, before kissing her hard. She kiss him back with equal fervour. He bit her lips before letting it go a moment later. His eyes burning with needs looking straight into her eyes, letting go of her waist and taking a step back. They both breathing heavily.

She felt lost and cold when he let her go. Their eyes met and hold, she saw want and need there and hers probably reflects those same emotions.

His eyes take in the picture of her at this moment, lips swollen from his kiss, her white neck sporting a small mark. His Love mark. He knows she is an innocent, he doesn't want it said he took advantage of her drunken state. So he give her a smile before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

She stood rooted in front of the bathroom door for a few minutes before moving to one side of the room where she put her clothes luggage. She opens it and took out a large night shirt that reach her knees. Putting on her panties, shorts and the night shirt before combing her hair with her hands and going
out of the room.

The sight of him sitting on the sofa in her living room warmed her heart. She walk shyly towards him. He handed her the bottle of water and ask her to drink. She took a seat next to him and drink the water before placing down the water bottle on the coffee table and lean comfortably on his shoulder. They stay like that for few minutes, none of them filling in the silence. She felt drowsy and rub her eyes.

"You must be tired. And you have all this unpacking to do tomorrow." He said softly.
"I'll go now, so you can go to sleep" he continued when she didn't answer him.
"Oppa. Do you have any schedules tomorrow?"
"Only Chanyeol Hyung's  birthday party tomorrow night. Why?"
"Nothing. Just asking." She answered before yawning.
"Sleepyhead I'll go now."He said standing up. They both went to the front door, before he turns around and kiss her on the lips.
"Lock the door. And call me if you need anything." She just nodded and bid him goodbye with a sleepy smile before shutting door.

Writer's note: No sex scene 😆

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