"Thorn" part two

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"Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you will ever regret"
~ Ambrose Bierce

Oh Sehun PoV

The words he spoke before she left him was a low blow, it was his male ego and pride talking. He stare at the closed door long after she walked out. His mind replaying the scene over and over, her eyes glassy with unshed tears, the little smirk and her final words. He didn't deserve her. He punched at the wall in frustration, so hard that his knuckles are scratched and bruised.

He chased after her, but he was too late. She was nowhere in sight. Exasperated he went back to his apartment and called her. She didn't answer a single call he made. He didn't give up and kept on calling her, while grabbing his car keys and jacket. He need to get to her and apologise, his actions was uncalled for and his parting words was downright cruel. He knows she isn't the type to play around, and he didn't know what he could possibly do to rectify the situation.

He pressed on her doorbell but there was no answer. He decided to call Suho in his desperation and asked him to call any Apink members if they know of her whereabouts. Luckily Suho didn't ask him any questions. He dialled Kim Namjoo number next, pulling his hair waiting for her to answer.
He went straight to the point when he heard Namjoo happy hello on the line having no time for pleasantries.
"Namjoo, I messed up. I need to know where Hayoung is now"
"What do you mean you messed up?"
"No time for explanations, please find out where she is for me."
"Sehun what did you do?!" He can hear anger in Namjoo's voice .
"Jjoo, I don't have time. Text me if you know anything." He hung up on her without saying goodbye.

Left clueless, he just stood there outside her apartment's door. Where the hell is she anyway. Pacing the corridors for what seems like and eternity, he finally got a text message from Namjoo.

She's with Eunji eonnie. I don't know what's going on, but there will be hell to pay if you hurt Youngie ~ Namjoo

He didn't reply the text message, so relieved that she is fine with one of her Eonnie. He tried calling her again only to get to her voicemail. He took a deep breath when his cellphone rings. It was Suho.
"Yes Hyung"
"What did you do? Chorong just shouted at me, telling me what an asshole of a dongsaeng I got."
Sehun couldn't defend himself, he was an asshole to speak the way he did to Hayoung.
"She is bawling her eyes out at Eunji's place. The members are all worried, Namjoo texted me asking what is the matter. Sehunnie fix this, whatever it is." Suho added.
"I hope I could fix this Hyung. I said something I shouldn't in moments of anger and jealousy."
Instead of asking him further or giving him words of advice, Suho only bid him good luck and ended the call.

He glanced down at his wrist watch, he didn't realise that he have been standing there for almost two hours. He stare at her door feeling dejected when he heard the elevator door closes. He glanced at the elevator to see her turning back and pushing the down button desperately.

He ran towards her and hug her from the back. He muttered the words sorry as if he's chanting but she just stood there unmoving.

They stayed like that for what seems like an eternity when the elevator door opens, she move her foot forward but he hold her back. An elderly couple inside the elevator stare at them curiously.
"Coming?" The old lady asked politely.
"No, sorry for keeping you." Sehun answered softly, pulling Hayoung away.
"Grovel on your knees if you have to, wouldn't want a pretty girl to cry herself to sleep." The old man spoke firmly fixing his gaze on Sehun. His wife pinched him on the waist and he chuckles as the elevator door closes.

Hayoung move away from him and walk towards her front door. She was about to open the door when he spoke softly.
"Baby, I'm sorry. Can we talk please."
"I don't think we have anything to talk about." She whispered, opening the door. He placed his hand on the door to prevent her from closing it. She turned with her eyes cast down.
"Youngie, we have so much to talk about. I'm not leaving until we do." She look everywhere but at him when she caught sight of his bruised knuckles, her eyes stayed there for few seconds. Moving away from the door, she went inside and he followed her.

She stood in the middle of the living room and turned to face him. A single word came out her lips. "Talk"
Not knowing where to start, he walk closer to her and tried to hold her hand but she wards off his attempt raising her hand.
"Do not touch me. Just say what you came here to say." She said coldly.
"I was a fool. Jealous of every men around you. I wasn't thinking clearly when I said those words. I'm sorry Youngie-ah." His gaze fixed on her face, she appeared emotionless standing still her eyes distant.
He cleared his throat and continue talking, "Baby, could you please look at me? I didn't mean those hurtful words, you know that I love you"

She stare at him hard with a mirthless smile on her lips.
"Funny how you could come and say you love me when you practically called me a slut few hours ago."
He hug her tightly, feeling angry at himself for what he said. She is clearly upset and hurt by it that he feared she won't forgive him easily.
"Baby, please don't ever call yourself that. You know you are not that kind of a woman. I'm stupid for saying something along those lines"

Putting some distance between them she push her hair back her eyes watery from unshed tears and spoke softly.
"I don't think we should continue with this relationship. We, Us just wouldn't work"

I know there's something in the wake of your smile
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yeah
You've built a love but that love falls apart
Your little piece of Heaven turns too dark
Listen to your heart when he's calling for you

Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do
I don't know where you're going and I don't know why
But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yeah
They're swept away and nothing is what is seems
The feeling of belonging to your dreams
Listen to your heart when he's calling for you
Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do
I don't know where you're going and I don't know why
But listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye

And there are voices that want to be heard
So much to mention but you can't find the words
The scent of magic, the beauty that's been (beauty that's been)
When love was wilder than the wind
Listen to your heart (take a listen to it) when he's calling for you

~Listen to your heart by Roxette 1988

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