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The next morning, I got up and got ready. Tomorrow, Athena would be back and I couldn't wait. This house was way too small for me and I barely got any privacy. Last night, someone woke me up and put a crying Matty in my bed. I had to coo him back to sleep, but by the time I did that, Kanye began a howling fit. Something was definitely up with that dog, but I didn't know what so I ignored it. When I walked down the steps with Matty, I was surprised to see everyone downstairs. Not only was everyone downstairs, but they were eating breakfast together, even Sage. It was like a miracle. The kids were all interacting with her and being nice. I thought I was being punked. "Uh, good morning," I said awkwardly as I put Matty in his high chair.

"Good morning," they all said. I gave everyone a skeptical look and sat down at the table. My plate was already prepared, and it was filled with food. I looked down at the food. It looked delicious, but you never knew with these demons. They were probably trying to poison me. Okay, maybe I'm overreacting. It was obvious that Athena's brothers and sisters were fond of me and I doubt they'd kill someone who had just blew twelve thousand on them the day previous.

"Sage and the girls cooked breakfast," Ryker explained as he took a bite out of his bacon. "We thought it'd be nice to thank you for buying us stuff, and it's also an apology for us being a bit too wild sometimes. You're not used to us yet. Soon, you'll be as good as Athena when she handles us." I took a sip of my orange juice and looked around the table. Everyone seemed fine, but Trystan, who was sinking in his chair. He seemed guilty about something, but I didn't question it.

"Where's Kanye," I asked suddenly as I looked around the kitchen. He was howling in Athena's room with me last night, but this morning he wasn't there. Everyone became quiet and gave each other weird looks. "What's going on," I asked sternly as I raised an eyebrow. I looked over at Trystan who was sweating as if he had just ran miles. "Trystan..."

"Lauren said if dogs ate too much chocolate that they'd die. Ryker didn't believe it so he gave Kanye a lot of chocolate, and uh, now he's in the backyard next to Lauren's old ferret," Trystan quickly explained. I should've fucking known better. They made this elaborate breakfast to get on my good side because they killed Athena and I's dog. Kanye was basically our fucking child.

"You killed my son," I yelled awkwardly.

Everyone got quiet. "Look, Kai, we're really sorry. I didn't know he would die," Ryker said quietly. "We were all being immature. We're sorry, but can we just tell Athena that he got hit by car? She got really close to him, and she'd hate our guts. We're sorry for killing Yeezus."

"Well, you know what they say," Lauren jumped in. "All dogs go to heaven. Kanye is probably around tons of, dare I say, bitches. I bet he's having the time of his life. Everyone dies, Kai. Some things just happen accidently. Like that time our Uncle Mac slipped on a patch of ice on the sidewalk and somehow slid onto the highway, and got hit by not one, not two, but three eighteen wheelers in a row. He was like mac and cheese, so I've heard."

"Uncle Mac died from lung cancer, dumbass. The man you're talking about got killed in a show, not even real life," Felix reminded Lauren.

"I'm trying to make a point here, Felix" she said with annoyance. I covered my face with my hands. "Kai, are you going to go psycho now and kill us? If so, can I get a head start?"

"You guys are really lucky that I'm in love with your sister," I replied as I stood up from the table. "I need a smoke. No one bother me unless it's an emergency."


"Okay, this is what we call the trust fall. I'm sure you've seen it in many television shows or movies. This exercise is meant to help two people or a group of people gain trust," Johnathan said as he paced in front of all of his employees. Sarah stood behind him with a water bottle for his convenience. She probably got paid a fortune just to do anything he asked her to do. "This exercise will be done with your assigned partner. You each will take turns catching the other. Please, don't be afraid to fall back. Even if your partner doesn't catch you, I'm sure grass isn't going to break any of your bones. Can I please have the first partner that wishes to fall from each group? Come and step on a stump." I looked at Harper and she motioned for me to go first. I sighed, but walked up to the nearest tree stump. I stood atop of the stump and waited for instructions. "Partners, get behind your partner and get ready to catch them." I heard shuffling and then Johnathan's voice again. "Close your eyes, partner on the stoop. Fold your arms against your chest." I did as told. "Don't think about anything now. No worries. On the count of three, I want you to fall back into your partner's arms. One, two, three..." I fell back carelessly. For some reason, I wasn't worried about Harper catching me. I knew she would catch me.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now