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It had been two weeks since I got Michaela out of the hell hole that was Kai's basement. Finally, the girl's wounds were healing. She was gaining a bit of weight, and she seemed relatively nicer. Of course, sometimes she would make hasty comments but then she'd laugh them off. It was weird for me, because I actually enjoyed hanging out with her. She was so callous that night I got off from work. She wanted me dead, and now I was basically being friends with her. I could tell Kai was surprised about the whole thing. Part of her, still didn't trust Michaela, but for some reason, I did. Sure, she was still rough around the edges, but I doubt she'd try to kill me again. I had let her meet Noa one day, so she could just get out of the house. At first, Noa was rude. Which was understandable. She was staring in the face of my almost murderer. After a while, they finally got along. We all sat at a table at a coffee shop, and talked about anything and everything. "It feels so good to get fresh air," Michaela had said. She brought the cup of coffee up to her lips, and took a slight sip. "I was going crazy just staring at four walls. It's like prison in there."

"If you gain trust with Kai, then maybe she can let you out with supervision," I suggested as I stirred my coffee. "She let you out today because I was with you, and of course she has Phoenix watching us from a distance. I'm sure she'll let you out by yourself if she has someone watching you. If not, I'll make her be reasonable." Michaela raised her eyebrows at me, and sat her coffee down on the table, and gave me a bit of a smirk.

"Make her reasonable," she asked playfully.

"Yes, finally, Athena here is putting her foot down," Noa said after taking a bite into a chocolate chip cookie. "She stopped talking to Kai for a day just because she randomly canceled on a date. Granted, Kai had a good excuse. They had caught a lead on the whole James being a traitor thing. But still, I was so proud of Athena. Finally, Kai's not controlling her. She's controlling Kai." Noa patted my shoulder and gave me a smile. "It's like a whole new world, isn't it?"

"In two weeks, that was our only problem," I said with a shrug. "We don't control each other. But I'm just saying that I could persuade her to let Michaela out every now and then." Noa gave me a playful eye roll and then looked over to Michaela who was smiling. "So, I'll talk to her," I said as I looked towards Michaela.

She nodded and bit her lip. "What's up with the whole James situation? I heard the Buffs were back?"

"Yeah, apparently, he's in contact with them. Right now, he's in the torture chamber that you were in. 'Getting questioned." I shrugged my shoulders and looked around the small coffee shop. It was weird how normal Kai's life was to me now. I was informed on just about every little thing. The Buffs. James. Everything. Her job as a drug lord was pretty heavy on her. There was times where she had to put her foot down even when she didn't want to, just to uphold her image. Over the two weeks, I've seen her curse out, smack, and beat so many dealers for not doing their jobs correctly. She tried to refrain her violent side when she was around me, but sometimes it just came out. Every time I was able to calm her down, and stop her from hurting the person. But I admit, it was sort of scary. When she got mad, she was almost like a whole different person. Ruthless. Relentless. Wicked. For now, I could get her out of her furious state, but I knew there would be a time when I couldn't. I feared for what would happen to the person, or even me, but yet I still stayed. I felt that I could change her, and I felt like she was changing, very gradually. I've seen her show a bit of mercy time and time again.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Michaela and Noa laughing out loudly. "You know, you're not so bad for an ex-psychotic bitch," Noa said as she pointed to Michaela.

"Who says I'm still not a psychotic bitch," Michaela asked as she raised both of her brows at us.

"Because if you really wanted to, you could've been attempted to kill Athena again. What's stopping you from pouring coffee over her head, and then beating her to death with a," Noa looked around the environment, "with a napkin dispenser." I elbowed Noa. I trusted Michaela now, but I sure didn't want Noa giving her any ideas. Both of the girls laughed, and I shook my head at them. "Anyways, you have a big game tonight, Athena," Noa reminded me. It was Thursday night, and tonight I had another employee basketball game. This time, the game wasn't on the weekend so finally my co-workers from the restaurant could come see me play. Jasmine, Noa, and Kat. I couldn't wait to show off how good I had gotten at the game. Not only did Kai constantly give me advice about my techniques, but I learned from some of Harper's movements. We played well together. It was like we knew each other's every move on the court. Our partnership helped our team win again and again.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now