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I wiped my tears and fixed dinner without a word to Ryker. I couldn't believe how stupid I was. I fell for every stupid, honeyed lie that she told me. Every time she said she loved me, she didn't mean it. She didn't mean anything she said. Even if she did mean that she loved me, she surely didn't know what love was. Maybe it was messed up to get an abortion, but I didn't ask for a child. I didn't ask to get raped, so I got an abortion. It was totally acceptable. Maybe I shouldn't have ignored her, if I didn't ignore her she wouldn't have gotten so mad, but she had no right to curse at me and be so aggressive from the get-go.

I reminded myself of every fucked up thing Kai did, but I began realizing that I was just as fucked up. The only thing Kai was a hundred percent guilty for was making out with her ex. After she told me all the shit about her ex, how she betrayed her and how she basically disappeared, I thought Emily wasn't a problem. But now, she popped up out of nowhere. Tonight, I hurt Kai badly. I said things that I shouldn't have. I basically gave her back to her ex-girlfriend. "I'm not leaving this table until you eat something," Ryker said. I looked around the table to see that he was the only one still sitting at the table with me. "Sure you may have burnt the chicken a bit, but it's still good. I promise." My brother gave me a sweet smile and tears began falling. "Please don't cry again, Athena."

"I love her. I love her so fucking much. I shouldn't have ignored her. I shouldn't have gotten an abortion. I shouldn't have said that I wouldn't want her around my child if I had one. I shouldn't have slapped her. I'm so stupid. I want her back, Ryker." Ryker rushed to my side and he wrapped his arms around me. I began crying into my brother's chest, as he shushed me like a child. "You should've saw her face when I said those hateful things."

"If she truly loves you, she'll come back," he whispered. "You asked her to leave so she left, but I'm sure she'll come back. She's not just going to give up on you. We all make mistakes, Athena. Kai is just as guilty—if not more—in this situation as you are. You both were horrible to each other. Now, please eat something, Thena. You're all we got."

"I'll eat, but first I have to go and get Kai back before Emily does," I stood up from the table, but Ryker forced me to sit back down.

"Eat your vegetables at least, then you can go and get Kai back. Health before love." I looked at my brothers brown eyes then at my plate of food. Honestly, I wasn't hungry but I knew he wasn't going to let me leave until I ate. The faster I ate, the faster I could get Kai back. I began picking at my vegetables, but began eating them as Ryker stared me down. "Every drop, and I want at least have of that chicken breast eaten as well." I groaned as Ryker cut the chicken in half with a knife and pushed it to the center of the plate.

After eating the required amount of food to get me access out of the house, I walked outside my home. A car flashed its lights at me as soon as I walked out. I furrowed my brows and slowly walked towards the car. "Where are you going," the familiar voice asked. I let out a sigh of relief.

"To see Kai." Phoenix gave me a questioning glare, but waved me to get into his car. I got into the car and he began driving instantly. "Have you talked to her? Why were you outside of my house?"

The boy chuckled and turned down his stereo. "Uh, Kai has someone look after you and the kids almost 24/7. It's nice that you're just now noticing how I've been following you. That hot dog you had for lunch looked scrumptious and so did that girl."

I rolled my eyes at Phoenix and crossed my arms. "I'm faithful. She's just a friend. Kai's the one who made out with her ex today. Emily is back. We got in a huge fight because I got an abortion. She got angry and pushed me and I ended up slapping her. It just got way too hectic and I wanted to apologize before Emily took her away from me," I explained.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now