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"I'm sorry, Athena," Noa said as she sat beside me on her couch. "I don't know what to say. First off, don't listen to Ryker. He's an asshole. I'm sure Kai didn't dump you. She just needs space. Some people don't take accusations well, especially when someone keeps accusing them of something. Plus, you already know she has a sensitive spot for Sage. You shouldn't have talked to Sage that way in front of her, or at all. You know, Sage just lost a mother. A woman that she at least thought was her mother. There's a lot going on there. She's realizing she has siblings that hate her. She's realizing her real mother is dead as well, and that her father might as well be dead."

"Kai talked to her about her mother. Kai has never opened up to me about her family or anything like that. She doesn't even fucking know Sage, and she's opening up to her as if it's nothing. I don't know shit about Kai. I don't know her middle name or if she even has one. I don't know about her mom or her father. I'm not sure if either one of them are alive. All I know is that she has a grandmother in Florida. Sage knows more about her than I do. I have every right to be suspicious or skeptical. It might be innocent now, but what about in the future?" Noa sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Exactly. I'm just really upset. I'm more angry than I am sad."

"If Kai loves you like she says she does, she'll come back and she won't cheat on you. You worry too much, Athena. For now, she said she didn't want to see you or anything so maybe you should at least try to be happy. Don't mope around until she comes back. Have fun. Didn't that Harper girl invite you out to a party? Go!" I looked at Noa and shook my head. "Athena, there's no point of just staying in the house and crying. Your dog died. Your girlfriend left, temporarily. Try to cheer yourself up." Noa looked at her watch and got up. "Come on. Let's go over to your place and start getting you ready. You have to look good for Harper, right? Because let's be honest, if Kai doesn't work out, she's plan B."

Noa forced me to get ready. Even after I got dressed, and dolled up, I didn't feel any better. All I wanted to do was lie in bed and hate myself, but I also wanted to hate Kai. Part of me believed that I was the asshole in the situation, but another part of me believed that Kai was. Either way, I had already called Harper and told her I was still going to the party so now I felt obligated to go. When I walked down the steps, everybody that was talking became quiet. "Wow, you and Kai are back on already," Ryker asked with a brow raised.

"I'm not going out with Kai. I'm going out with Harper," I replied with an eye roll.

"Well, excuse me. I didn't know you had a rebound," Ryker said, mocking my eye roll. I sighed and crossed my arms. "If Kai finds out about this, she'll kill that girl, do you know that?"

"She won't find out and it's not like it's a date. It's a friendly outing to a party," I replied just as I heard a horn blow from outside. "Just please, be good," I said before walking out of the door. Once I walked out of the door, I was surprised to hear arguing. Two figures were standing outside of Harper's car loudly yelling.

"Where the hell do you think you're taking her?!"

"To a fucking party! What the hell is your problem!?" I walked closer to the yelling figures, and stopped once one looked towards me. They started advancing towards me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going dressed like that," she asked me as she grabbed my arm. "We get in one fucking argument and you're already ready to fuck her!? You're worried about me being faithful, but it's so the opposite!" Kai was more than angry and I could smell the alcohol on her breath. She had been drinking. I've never encountered her drunk, but I did remember Michaela's warning. Kai wasn't the same when she was drunk. "You fucking slut." Kai pushed me and I fell down to the curb. That's when Harper grabbed Kai and punched her right in the face. The two began scuffling and I could barely make out what was happening. My eyes were too blurry from the tears. Nonetheless, I got to my feet and managed to pull one of their arms.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now