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“Are you fucking leaving forever,” Kai asked me as she brought my suitcase down the stairs. She put it by the door and tried to regain her breath. I laughed a bit. I would say that she was being overdramatic, but she wasn’t. I had packed a bunch of clothes, because well, you never knew what the weather was going to be like. You could check your phone all you wanted to, or watched the news all you wanted to, but unexpected things happened. Therefore, I packed for the unexpected. I brought everything from a thick winter coat to a pair of shorts. Plus, I added in other items, like a flashlight. The flashlight could serve as a source of light or even a weapon. Sure, I trusted most of my co-workers, but nerdy Ned was a bit shifty, and who knows, Bigfoot could be real. “Do you have to go,” Kai asked as she walked towards me. I smiled when I felt her arms around my waist, and I pecked her nose softy.

“I’m going to miss you so much,” she said with a precious pout. Her thumb caressed my waist as she stared at me with those mesmerizing green eyes. “I know it’s only for the weekend but it’s going to be weird being here without you.” I kissed her lips softly. “Plus, I’m going miss those soft lips of yours.” I bit my lower lip to hide back a dumb grin. Even though we were dating, she could always make me feel like a dumb teenage girl with a huge crush. Except Kai really wasn’t a crush. I loved her, a lot.

“I need a vacation, remember,” I told her. She nodded and huffed. I placed a hand on her cheek and stroked it lightly. “I’ll miss you, too, but you can always call me. Well, that is if I have reception.”

“With the phone bill I’m paying, I better be able to talk to you on the fucking moon,” Kai joked. I laughed for a bit, but stopped once I heard a honk outside. Kai’s smile faded and she looked over towards my suitcase. She then looked back towards me. “Did you have to ride down there with Harper? I told you I could drive you.”

“It’s a two hour ride there and back, Kai. Matty gets cranky during long car rides,” I told her. “Plus, Harper is really nice. We have a lot in common. I consider her a friend.” A brow was raised from my skeptical partner. “What?”

“She’s just a little too nice,” Kai muttered. There was another honk from outside the house. “She’s also really fucking impatient.” I smiled and kissed Kai’s lips again.

“Stop being jealous and stop insulting my friend and help me get my suitcase into the car.” Kai rolled her eyes playfully, but unwrapped her arms from around my waist, and went to grab the heavy suitcase. Matty was napping on the sofa, and the rest of the kids were in school. I walked over to the sleeping toddler and kissed his forehead. “Be nice to Kai, little one,” I whispered in his ear. He stirred in his sleep, and turned towards the front door. Kai was walking out of the door with my belongings in tote. I threw on my jacket, and walked out of the door behind her. Once we came into view, Harper got out of the car. She jogged up to us, and grabbed the suitcase from Kai’s hands. She groaned.

“Jesus! What in the hell do you have in this thing,” she asked. “Did you pack your little brother in here?” I laughed and hit her shoulder playfully. She gave me a smile and then looked over to Kai. “What’s up, Kai?”

“The sky,” Kai said immaturely. I knew she didn’t really like Harper, but it was only because she didn’t know her. They knew each other from high school, but both of them was sure to have changed since then. I just wanted Kai to accept her since Harper and I were getting so close. I pinched Kai’s arm and she gave me a confused look.

“Be nice,” I whispered to her as Harper put my suitcase into the backseat of her car.

“Well, I guess we should get going. I think everyone has already left, so we’ll be pretty late.” Harper walked around her car to get into the front seat.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now