✰ 54

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It was time to get off from work, and since I had talked to Heather, I hadn’t said much of a word. My brain was running as I thought about how I was going to bring up the situation to Kai. I was angry about the whole ordeal so I knew whatever I said was going to be blown up into a huge fight. Lucky for me, Noa was catching a ride home with Kai and I which gave me a bit more time to think. During the whole car ride, I was mute. Kai kept asking me what was going on, but I would ignore her, which only made her angry as well. When she pulled up in front of my house, I got out of the car along with Noa. “See you tomorrow, Thena,” she told me before giving me a soft smile. I hadn’t told her about Heather, but I knew Noa knew something was up with me too, apart from the Harper kiss. I watched as she walked into her house as Kai got out of the car.

“Athena, did I do something? I’m kind of confused,” she said as she shut the car door. “If you think that I’m mad about you kissing Harper, I’m not. I don’t give a fuck as long as it doesn’t happen again. Just please tell me you don’t have feelings for her.” I crossed my arms as I looked away from her. She leant against her car and sighed. “Athena, please, just cooperate with me right now. Is there something more to this?”

“Kai, I’m going to give you the opportunity to fess up to anything that you’ve done in your past. Anything that you know would upset me if I found it.” Kai looked at me for a while and leant against her car. She ran her fingers through her hair before shrugging her shoulders.

“Smacked a couple girls around, you already know that I’ve killed people but other than that, no. I’m not hiding anything from you, even if I was, all of that was in my past. I would never treat you like I’ve treated any other girl.” I couldn’t believe that she was lying to my face. How couldn’t she bring up Heather? It all happened just a year ago, so I knew it couldn’t have left her mind.

“Please, just be honest with me,” I urged. Kai just stared at me as if she didn’t know what to say. I sighed and looked away from her. “I met a woman today by the name of Heather Miller. Last year, she went to one of your parties and you raped her, and after that, you let your friends rape her.” Kai groaned as she covered her face with her hands. “So, it is true?”

“No, it’s not true, Athena! Why the fuck would I rape someone,” Kai yelled as she removed her hands from her face. “Did you actually believe I would do something like that? I have never put my hands on anyone sexually that didn’t want me to. That I can promise. I’ve never forced myself on someone. You have to believe me, Athena. I don’t even know anyone by the fucking name of Heather.” Kai seemed sincere, but I wasn’t sure if I believed her or not. In the restaurant, she left in a rush after she saw the woman so there was obviously something behind that.

“Earlier, you saw her in the restaurant and you nearly demanded that we leave. If you didn’t rape her, then you must’ve did something pretty fucked up. I doubt she would lie about her having HIV, or that you raped her. She seemed genuine. The tears she shed were real, Kai. All I’m asking is for you tell me the truth, and you can’t even fucking do that.” It was silent for a few moments. I looked over at Kai to see her looking down at the ground.

“You’re going to believe a complete fucking stranger over me?”

“All you have in your defense is that you didn’t do it. It’s pretty hard to believe,” I said honestly. Kai began turning red in the face and she turned to get back into her car. “So, you’re just going to run away,” I asked as she opened the driver’s door.

“No, Athena. I’m not running away from anything. I’m walking away because you don’t know how close I am to knocking some sense into you! I’ve told you that I didn’t rape that girl! That should be enough for you to believe me! You know who I am and what I’ve done, people don’t want to see me happy and that bitch, Heather, or whatever her name is seems to be one of those people! I left the restaurant because I saw a guy wearing a charm that Buffs usually wear. I left for your fucking safety, not because of that bitch who you let fill your head up with bullshit! I let you slide on that Harper kiss, but accusing me of fucking rape? Are you fucking kidding me, Athena!?”

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now