✰ 19

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Kai was so high that it wasn't even funny, actually it was hilarious. Her words came out very slowly and it took her forever just to complete a sentence. Those green eyes of hers were glassy, and slightly red. Sometimes when I drove, I would glance over at her to see her staring at me with a look of astonishment. Whenever I caught her, she would giggle like a little kid and look away from me. We had been driving around Chicago for about an hour, and Kai just kept right on preparing joints for herself. I don't care what she said. She was an addict. After taking a couple of puffs, I was starting to hallucinate. Cars looked farther away than they actually were out of the windshield, so I decided that Kai and I both needed to get off the road before we injured somebody or ourselves. I pulled up to a usually vacant bar that Noa and I frequented from time to time. Hopefully, a couple glasses of cold water could knock me back into my senses. "Where are we," Kai asked as if she was a child. "Athena, where have you taken me?"

I bit my lip to hide back a grin. "Uh, it's a bar, Kai." She nodded adorably before fumbling to open her door with her hand. I rolled my eyes and pushed the button in her car to stop the engine. We walked into the bar hand in hand. Kai was gripping onto my hand for dear life and she was smiling dopily. I led her over to the bar and ordered two glasses of water. The bartender gave us a perplexed stare. We probably smelled like nothing but pot, which made him be a little skeptical of us. Or maybe it was Kai staring right in his face, and giggling about how big of a nose he had. I punched Kai's shoulder lightly and she frowned. "Don't be mean!"

"It's massive," she said as she twittered. I laughed at her and shook my head. The bartender came back with two waters and I put one in front of Kai, but she quickly shook her head. She patted the bar top obnoxiously to get the bartender's attention. He raised his brows as in to ask her what she wanted. "I want a Mount Gay Rum and Diet Coke, because I'm gay! She's gay, too! We're gay! So, stop checking her out!" I snickered before hitting Kai's shoulder again. "What!? I don't want him to get his hopes up, angel!" The man went to go fix Kai's drink and she swirled around on the bar stool. She was worse than a child. She definitely didn't need any alcohol in her system. "Whoa," she said after spinning in her chair for way too long. "I'm dizzy, Athena," she said as she stopped and grabbed her head. The bartender put Kai's drink in front of her and I thanked him for Kai. The girl took a sip of her drink and nodded with satisfaction.

"Why did I take you to a bar," I asked as I watched her drink the strong spelling liquid. Kai was nodding her head to the song that was playing and swaying side to side between gulps of her drinks. I could see her mouthing the words every now and then. I chuckled as I saw her get up from her seat. She was nodding her head and she motioned for me to stand up to dance with her. I shook my head at her but she grabbed my hands and pulled me towards the middle of the bar. Even when she was absolutely wasted, she was a good dancer. The girl wrapped her arms around my hips and began swinging me side to side as she slurred the words into my ear. I wasn't sure what she was saying or what the song was saying, but I danced with her. I patted her head. "There, there, Kai." Kai pulled away from me and began dancing by herself. I chuckled and watched her, just like the other three or four people in the small bar. I decided to go back and sit again to finish drinking the waters I had ordered.

"Uh, ma'am?" I looked up to the bartender to see him furrowing his eyebrows and looking away from me. My eyes followed his. Kai was dancing on a tabletop. "Uh, she can't do that." I was about to get up and get Kai, but she ended up falling off the tabletop anyways.

"I'm fucking suing!" I quickly ran over to Kai, and crouched down beside her. "Athena, did you see that!? That table fell on me! I fell on that table!" She gave me an adorable frown and I tried not to laugh at her. "Athena," she said in a more serious tone. I raised my brows at her and she exhaled, "I think someone laced my weed with cocaine."

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now