✰ 12

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For lunch, Kai kept everything simple. She didn’t try to impress me by taking me to a five star restaurant, which I was grateful for. My outfit was horrid. My work shirt was overly large, and threads from the fabric were unraveling. I already felt embarrassed enough, by being around Kai in such a bad state, but she didn’t seem to mind though. We were sat in a place that sold nothing but Chicago-style subs. I’ve been here a couple of times with Ryker. We were the oldest, so when there were rare moments when the kids were all occupied doing something else, we’d sneak out and treat ourselves to something nice. I know it was pretty messed up but we deserved it. Well, at least I did. All Ryker did was keep everyone out of depression with his endless jokes, but I actually worked my ass off to provide for everyone.

Kai and I ate in silence for a while. The sub I had gotten was good as usual. I had gotten a regular meatball sub with cheese, but Kai had went all out with her sub. She had all different types of meats and veggies, and they were falling out of her sub as she ate. I laughed every time she cursed because a piece of food escaped the sandwich before she could put it in her mouth. She was adorable and I just adored watching her. It was her silly antics that made her so interesting. How she would check her surrounds every other minute, her obsession with licking her lips, and how she would willingly pick certain things that she asked for out of her sub. She peered at me from her sub and I chuckled at her. She frowned, “What?” On her lower lip, she there was a dab of ranch dressing.

“Nothing, you just have ranch on your bottom lip,” I told her and she gave me a bit of a smirk. “You should get it off.”

“Is it bothering you,” she asked as she quirked up one of her brows. I wanted to punch her in the face and kiss her all at the same time. “If so, why don’t you get it off?” She gave me a taunting smirk as she put her sandwich down. I sat there with my cheeks flushing. Honestly, that white spot on her lips was irritating me, and I knew she wasn’t going to do anything about it because it bothered me. So I grabbed a napkin, and scooted so I was sitting beside her in the circular booth. She turned to face me with that taunting glare still on her face. I brought my shaky hand up towards her face, but she grabbed my wrist tightly. I stared at her with my eyes widened, and she quickly pressed her lips against mine. I dropped the napkin that was in my hand as I fell into the kiss. My wrist was released and her hand ran down my side. Our lips moved together almost rhythmically. Kai pulled away from the kiss and tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “F*ck,” she said after a while and I looked away from her like a coward. She cleared her throat before pressing her lips against my neck. She gave it a gentle kiss. “You’re so beautiful, Athena,” she mumbled.

Unexpectedly, Kai’s phone began buzzing against the table. The girl moved her lips from my neck and snatched her phone with annoyance. She groaned before putting the phone to her ear. “This better be good. You know I have other things to do than to just…can you not f*cking cut me off? F*ck it. Fine.” Kai hung up the phone and swallowed hard. She stared over at me and I could see she was slightly annoyed. “We should finish eating. I have something that I need to do.” We continued to eat and not much else was said. I could tell Kai was angry but I didn’t know why. Whoever had called had put her into a bad mood. Once we were done eating, Kai drove me back home. She gave me the best smile that she could and said, “I’ll talk to you later.” I leant over and kissed her cheek and a genuine smile spread across her face.

“See you later.” I exited the car and made my way into my home. Laurie was sitting in front the television watching Jerry Springer as Matty sat in highchair with Cheerios scattered all over it. He began beating on the table once he saw me and I smiled as I approached him. “Hey, little guy.” I picked him up from the chair and turned towards Laurie who was smiling at me.

“You got off pretty early today,” she said.

“Yeah, it’s a long story,” I said, brushing off her statement. I went into the pantry in the kitchen and pulled out the secret stash. I pulled out two twenty dollar bills and went back into the living room to hand them to Laurie. “Here’s your payment for the week. I don’t think I’ll be going to work tomorrow either,” I told her and she gave me a sweet smile. She took only one of the bills and made me keep the other.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now