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I pushed the shopping cart as I followed Athena around the zig-zag grocery market. Every now a then she would frantically throw an item in the cart. She kept mumbling to herself about all the items she needed to prepare dinner. As we walked through the door both men and women kept giving her second looks. I made sure to give them an almost deadly glare every time they stared for too long. One man was staring for so long that I had to lift up my shirt and reveal my gun. That's when he scurried off like a little bitch. I knew Athena wasn't into men, but I still didn't appreciate how he stared at her. For some reason, I felt overly defensive. "We need something really fancy," Athena said as we looked over the meats. "What do you think, baby?"

I picked up a family pack of T-bone steaks. "Everyone loves steaks. It's sort of fancy. I mean this shit costs like forty damn dollars." Athena added the total to the calculator she had on her phone.

"That's over the budget, Kai. Put it back. Maybe we can go for something cheaper like chicken?"

Instead of putting the steak back in the frozen section, I placed it down in the cart. Athena gave me a confused look as I began pushing the cart again. She ran up so she was walking in front of me. "It's on me," I replied simply.

"No, Kai. It's not-"

"I got this, Athena. Please, all you're buying is a night's dinner and dog food. At least let me pay so Ryker's girl can have a nice dinner," I argued. Athena poked her lip out and I gave her a bit of a smirk. "You've got to let me do some things for you. Let me treat you every now and then."

"Fine," she said as she crossed her arms. We began shopping again, and it seemed as if everything was going quickly until we came to the vegetable section. "Green peas or carrots," Athena asked as she stared at the canned goods. I leant against the cart and stared off into space. Well, I wasn't exactly staring off into space, I was actually staring at a chick's ass. I could hear Athena talking but I couldn't understand her words. My mind was too focused on the girl who was bent over in the insanely short skirt. She worked at the store. I could tell by the bright red vest. A slap on the back of my neck got my attention.

"What the fuck," I yelled as I rubbed the back of my neck. I turned around to face Athena who had her hands on her hips. "What the hell did you do that for?!"

"You was checking out her ass!" Athena put both huge cans of peas and carrots into the cart. "You know what forget it. Let's just go." I began following the girl as she walked us out of the aisle. I looked to glance back at the woman to see if her face looked just as good as her backside. When I looked back at her, she looked up and stared into my eyes. All of a sudden, I stopped and stared at her with my eyes wide open. She quickly looked away from me, and acted as if she was arranging the cans. "Are you still checking her out," Athena yelled.

"No," I replied as I turned back around. Athena rolled her eyes at me and began walking again. I glanced back at the woman one more time to see her staring at me as I walked away once again, her eyes casted down. What the hell was she doing here? Why was she even working here? I thought she was dead or hiding in Alaska, but no. She was working at a shitty grocery store, with newly dyed, short hair and brown contact lenses. It was almost as if she was trying to hide her identity.

I brushed off the appearance of the woman. Maybe it wasn't her, maybe it was just someone who looked exactly like her. Even it was the woman from my past, she obviously wasn't looking for me or even wanted to see me. She couldn't even hold eye contact with me.

Once we got to the register, things got even more awkward between Athena and I. I tried to help her put the groceries on the grocery belt, but she wouldn't let me. Even though, she spent over her budget, she still paid for everything without my help. We actually got into an argument at the cash register. We kept trying to offer the cashier money and he didn't know who to take the money from. Finally, Athena grabbed the man's hands and forced her money into them.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now