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I really couldn't get over how beautiful Tampa really was. As I rode down the streets, I stared out of the window with a fascinated smile on my face. My stomach was growling and tossing and turning from all the sharp turns Kai was making, but still I kept smiling. Even when the sun wasn't shining, the city was still beautiful. Kai chose a casual restaurant that was placed on a busy street. The restaurant was modern with dim lighting on the inside. There was a bunch of artwork hanging up as well as posters. A lot of people sat at tables and booths as they ate on the inside or they sat at bar stools as they drank at the bar. Even with such a nice scenery on the inside, Kai and I both agreed to eat outside. That way we could watch all the crazy people run up and down the strip, and hear the slight sound of the waves from the nearby beach.

As we ate, I had a stupid grin on my face. It was just such a nice ambience. The waves, the talking of people and the faint music coming from the restaurant's speakers. It was all so nice. What made it even nicer was that Kai was sitting across from me, and she seemed genuinely happy as well. "Can we go to the beach tomorrow," I suddenly blurted out of nowhere. Kai was midway from putting a fork pinched with steak in her mouth. She put her fork down. "I've never been," I admitted a bit sheepishly. Chicago had beaches, but I just never thought to go to one. I was always so caught up with work, the kids, Noa or the bills that it never crossed my mind. Sometimes the kids, and I would hang out together and go places, but the beach was just never one of them. We usually went out to a public pool or a really cheap restaurant.

"You've never been to the beach," Kai asked with utter disbelief. Her eyes didn't leave mine, and her eyebrows was scrunched in adorable confusion. She looked at me as if she pitied me, was confused, and didn't believe me. I didn't know how to respond to her, so I just giggled at how cute she was. "This isn't funny, Athena. You've never experienced the beach. Do you know how amazing the beach is? How nice the water is? How good the atmosphere is? How hot the women are in bikinis? We're going!" Kai nodded her head as if she was agreeing with herself. "I'm taking you tomorrow," she said with authority. I laughed a bit and nodded my head. "I can't believe you've never been to the beach. Even when you were younger, your parents didn't take you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Back then, my dad was just as shitty if not shittier. He didn't allow my mom to go out much. Back when it was just Ryker and I, mom would make us use our imagination. The bathtub was like the beach to us." I smiled a little as I remembered the past. Everything was so much better back in the day. There was no worries. We were living in poverty, surrounded by drugs, and who knows what, and Ryker and I didn't even notice because of our mother. She shielded us, and at least attempted to keep us pure. "I had the best mom ever." I bit my lower lip as I looked over at Kai. She was playing with the peas that was on her plate like a child. "What about your mom? Well, your parents? You never talk about them."

"Well, they're dead," Kai said bluntly with a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know that much about them. I just know what my grandma says about them. My dad was a piece of my shit, and my mom was a beautiful disaster. That's all I really know." Kai cleared her throat and looked towards the streets. It seemed like she was looking at just about anything but at me.

"But you talked about your mom with Sage," I pointed out. I was really risking with the mood with poking in Kai's business, but I just wanted to know more about her. What was so wrong about that? I was her girlfriend. I should know her like the back of my hand, but I didn't. Kai finally gave me eye contact and she shrugged once again.

"It's a blur. I just don't like thinking about her, or him. You can ask me anything, but please, nothing about my parents," she replied calmly. The way she said it kind of resembled a broken child. Shit. Maybe Kai's childhood was just as fucked up as mine.

"I can you ask anything," I asked. I was going to honor her request with not asking about her parents. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin our vacation. She'd tell me about her parents when she was good and ready.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now