✰ 24

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I opened my eyes slowly and looked towards the alarm clock. When I saw the time, I grumbled and pulled the sheets over my head. It was noon, and I had to be at work at the restaurant in just a couple of hours. After having a very, excited yet frustrating basketball game with my co-workers last night, and after spending hours celebrating by talking and eating pizza with Kai and the kids, I was exhausted. Maybe Kai was right. I either needed to quit my job or see if I could get my boss to cut down my hours, which would be pointless since I only worked on the weekends anyways. Slowly, I pulled the covers off my head and sat up on the bed. I stretched and yawned as I made my way down the hallway to the bathroom. I could hear Trystan yelling about someone being gay, and the moaning of a girl coming from the boys’ room. Ryker must’ve had company, or one of the boys was watching porn. I knocked on the bedroom door, and screamed, “Keep it down!” In response, the annoying scream became louder and I rolled my eyes. “I hope you’re using a condom, asshole!”

After getting showered, and dressed, I walked down the stairs. Ryker must’ve got done banging his chick because he was now downstairs, helping Gabby with her homework. “What are you guys doing,” I asked as I peeked down at the textbook that was in Gabby’s hands. It looked like she was reading literature. I walked around and sat down beside her on the couch and peered down at the poem.

“We can’t figure out what the hell this dude is saying,” Ryker said with nothing but annoyance. He ran his fingers through his hair and pressed his finger at a line in the poem. “I mean, it’s obvious that he’s talking about how in love he is with a bitch, but it’s not making much sense. He says that her eyes are the color of glass. What the fuck? Are they transparent? That’s not hot.” I laughed a bit before taking the book from Gabby’s hands. I scanned through the poem and furrowed my brows at the both of them. “Do you understand the concept? It’s obviously about love, but-“

“It’s not about love. It’s about how much he hates a woman. But his hatred towards the woman attracts him at the same time. He’s stuck in his emotions and he doesn’t know how he feels. It’s pretty easy to understand,” I replied as I handed the book back to Gabby who was staring at me with a shocked expression. “What?”

“Do you want to do the rest of my English homework?”

“Yeah, no thanks. I have work and I better go if I want to get there on time,” I said as I stood up from the couch. I walked over to the closet, and pulled out one of my older, but cozy jackets. “Ryker, you can order delivery to eat or something. I’ll probably be too tired to cook anything when I come home and it’ll be too late anyways. Don’t bring too many girls in the house. Make sure Matty gets his hourly snack and if Ed comes stumbling in, tell him that it’d be nice of him if he helped pay the electric bill this month.” Ryker nodded at every statement that came out of my mouth.

“Yeah, but you’re walking? It’s way too cold. Why don’t you just call Kai to take you,” he asked as he stuck a cigarette in his mouth. He lighted the stick and I took it out of his mouth and put it into mine. “What the fuck!?”

“Maybe this can help keep me warm,” I said as I took a puff from the cigarette. “I’m not bothering Kai. I’m sure she’s doing something really important right now, plus I am an independent woman. I don’t need a woman to take care of me, sweetheart.”

“Right. You’re a strong, independent white woman and you don’t need no woman and you damn sure don’t need no man to take care of you, girlfriend,” Ryker said as he rolled neck and snapped.

I chuckled at him as I started walking towards the front door. “That’s right! Now, be good!”


I took a drag from the joint as I stared at the boy and girl that sat in front of me. We were all alone in my office. The duo seemed highly upset about something but I wasn’t sure what it was. They asked if they could speak to me in private, so I assumed they had bad news. Neither of them were saying a word though, as they sat across from me. I offered the joint towards them, but they both declined. “Damn, something serious must’ve happened,” I replied. I sat up and put out the substance in the ash tray. “What’s going on,” I asked seriously as I stared at the both of them seriously.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now