✰ 15

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Everything happened all too fast. It wasn’t long after we had amazing sex that we both had to get dressed. The kids would be home anytime, and I was due to pick up Matty from Noa’s place. Last night was rough for me, and I had stayed up crying all night so Noa said she would keep him for most of the day. I stared over at Kai as she pulled her sweatshirt over her sexy body. Last night, I hated her guts. I vowed to never to talk to her again, but she came and explained everything to me in the sweetest way possible. How could I not forgive her? “Hey, angel.” I looked over to Kai who was staring down at her phone. “I think I just got you that job. He said he’s willing to interview you Monday at the headquarters at nine. I can give you a ride.” She stood up from the bed and fastened her belt. She was so sweet for actually landing me a new job and offering to take me the interview.

“Thank you,” I replied as I stood up from the bed also. Kai came around and pecked my lips.

“It’s no problem. I better go, angel.” I didn’t want her to leave, but I understood that she probably had a lot on her plate when it came to her ‘occupation.’ I pulled her into a tight hug and she kissed my forehead lightly. “Have a good night at work tonight.” I took in her scent and finally released her from the hug. She walked out of my room and I followed her out and walked into the kitchen. Ryker was already downstairs with Gabby. They both were sitting at the dinner table with math books out. Kai exited out of the back door, but not without making sure to say hi to them. I thought Gabby was going to wet her panties.

“Math makes you horny,” I asked her teasingly as I walked over to the fridge. I rummaged through the drawers to find the canned Dr. Pepper that I had hidden from the kids, but it was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, I heard a sexy pop from behind me. I turned around to see Ryker putting my soda to his lips. He had a smirk on his face. “You f*cker!” I ran over to the table and snatched the soda from his hands.

“Whoa, Athena. That’s not fair. You almost spilled soda all over my Calculus book and you shouldn’t be holding out on us. I feel we should all get a ration of that soda.” I looked over at Gabby and she was nodding her head in agreement. I mumbled a few curse words under my breath, and passed the canned soda back to Ryker. He waterfalled it for way too long and then passed it to Gabby. By the time, I got the soda back, a corner was left. Ryker burped and patted his stomach amusedly. Assholes. I finished the soda off and threw it in a trashcan. “So, you finally let Kai get some ass?”

“Excuse me,” I asked as I scrunched my brows up at Ryker. Sitting down at the table with him and Gabby, I stared the sarcastic boy right in the eyes. He had a glint in his eyes that I couldn’t read.

“One, you have sex hair. Two, you’re glowing like that pregnant bitch in my third period class. Three, your shirt is wrinkled up. Four, you’re not depressed unlike you were this morning and last night. Five, you’re blushing harder and harder with every statement I say.” I rolled my eyes at him and looked down at the math problems that were in his book. “Why’d she leave?”

“I don’t know. She had work to do, just like you. You should be doing your homework rather than worrying about my love life,” I said as I stood up from the table. “You guys really need to stop digging into the money for takeout. Tonight, I want you and Lauren to cook spaghetti,” I said to Gabby.

“But Mariana and I were supposed to prank call Gary King all night tonight,” Gabby complained. I gave her a stern look and she sighed. “Fine, but only if you let me go on a date with Kai.”

“You’re too young for her, plus I thought you were into guys.”

“Uh duh! Guys and Kai!”

“Kai doesn’t want you, Gabby. She was just upstairs eating Athena’s secret treasure!”


Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now