✰ 32

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Finally, I was able to get back to work. It was a whole new week and I was approved by my doctor to do whatever I wanted to. Last week was truly boring. When Kai wasn't around, all I did was clean obsessively and try to teach Kanye tricks. But, Kanye was just a very stubborn dog. All he wanted to do was eat, bark, and hump Matty's stuffed animals. The most interesting part of last week was Halloween. Kai was sweet enough to take Lauren, Trystan and Gabby out trick or treating. All the other kids thought they were 'too old' to go trick or treating. Kai made sure that she dressed up like a gangster. She had on a red and black button down with just the top button buttoned with a white t-shirt under it. Her jeans were black and baggy, and she wore black Converses. I guess it was more cholo than gangster but either way, she looked hot. She actually kept her gun on her waist for display. It encouraged all the people in the neighborhoods to give her and the kids extra candy.

"Welcome back," a voice said. I looked up from my computer and gave the girl a genuine smile. "We had someone fill in for you. She was absolutely horrible. I had to assist her on everything." Harper rolled her eyes to show how annoyed she was last week. "Either way, I really missed you, Merrick. We won our game last week. Thanks to my three pointer at the end of the fourth quarter." Harper showed me exactly how she faded away to complete the shot. "Priceless." I chuckled and tapped my pen against the desk. "To celebrate you being back, why don't you let me take you out for our lunch break?"

I bit my lower lip before shaking my head quickly. "I couldn't let you take me out for lunch. It's seriously fine." I tucked my hair behind my ear and gave the girl a good natured grin. "Plus, Kai cooked some really good exotic dish last night. Who has two thumbs and leftovers?" I pointed to myself with my thumbs. "This girl!"

Harper chortled and shook her head at me. "You're too adorable for your own good," she replied before stuffing her hands into her work pants. "Look, it'd really be a pleasure to take you out to lunch. I mean, we can just get hot dogs at the stand down the street. Please, I really feel bad about what happened to you. You can save your leftovers for tonight."

"Um, sure, I guess," I said finally. There was really no reason for me not to let her buy me a couple of hot dogs. She was just being nice, and I guess my leftovers could wait. I actually lied. What Kai cooked last night, wasn't that exotic, unless you considered tacos exotic. Harper smiled and gave me a nod before walking back to her cubicle. Almost as soon as she walked away, the phone at my desk rang. "Jaguar Software, Chicago. This is Athena Merrick. How can I help you?"

"You're dead, bitch." I stood there with my mouth wide open as I heard the phone begin beeping at the other end. I slowly hung the phone up and then stared at it for a while. Who the hell would want me dead? Kai said Michaela was taken care of, so who else would want me dead? The voice over the phone wasn't male or female, it was actually a generated, robot voice. Who was I kidding? It was probably just a bunch of kids pulling a prank call. No one could get in contact with me through the office phones unless I gave them my office number. No one knew that number so it was just a bunch of pranksters out to get whoever answered the phone. I took a deep breath, and began working again. There was nothing to worry about.

I sat out in my car as I stared at the entrance of the grocery store. People walked in and out. Some were with their husbands or wives, some were with their grandchildren, and some were with their own children. I watched as the mothers and fathers interacted with their sons and daughters. There was so much love there. My parents weren't the best, I barely remembered them. Mostly everything about my parents, I had blocked out from my brain. My grandmother was the closes thing I had to a mother, and she lived miles away in Florida. I moved her there with my estranged family as soon as I got enough money from dealing. My Floridian family hated me, but loved my grandmother. She was in great hands. Every time I went to see her, she was always in high spirits. Sometimes I wish I could move there just to be with her. She was getting older and older, and was in her eighties. It wouldn't be long until she left this earth, whether I liked it or not. I had to go see her soon.

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now