✰ 28

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After a while of the doctor telling us shit, that we really didn’t give a fuck about. He finally let us go. He examined Athena for a while, and decided that she was stable enough to go home. Athena got herself dressed, but she seemed upset once she came out. I asked her if she was okay, but she replied that she was fine so I didn’t annoy her. Instead, I drove her back home. The kids hadn’t got from school yet, but when they did, they were sure to be excited. Athena and I sat on the couch. She was leant against me. I tried to get her to talk, but she seemed relatively silent since she changed out of her clothes. The television was playing some stupid scary movie since Halloween was coming up later in the week. “Why would she run through the damn woods, and not the town,” I asked in disbelief just as the doorbell rang. I sighed and started to get up to get the door, but Athena told me that she had it. “You sure, angel?”

“My brain might be a bit scrambled right now, but I can still open a door,” Athena said with jokingly. I gave her a soft smile and she got up and patted my thigh. “You just sit there and look sexy.”

“I’ll try,” I said before shooting her a wink.


I walked up to the door slowly, but surely. It was weird not using your body for days. Certain tasks seemed harder. My legs were wobbly, and my grasp on things were poor. Also, my head ached every now and then, which caused me to get confused once in a while. The doctor told me things would be back to normal in a couple of days, and that I was lucky that I woke up so early, otherwise my symptoms would’ve been worst. I was just glad that I had Kai. Ever since I woke up, she showed nothing but support, and it was insanely adorable how she continuously asked if I was okay. At the same time, she didn’t pester me with too many questions. When I went to change into normal clothes, I noticed a couple bruises around my lower stomach and thighs. It made me realize that three lowlifes actually took advantage of me when I was unconscious. It made me feel like shit. I spent my whole life never having sex with any man because I wasn’t attracted to them, and then ended up getting raped by three of them. It was repulsive. However Kai killed those guys, and they deserved it. No one deserved to be taken advantage of like that.

I opened the front door, and nearly had a heart attack. It was like I forgot to breathe for a good ten seconds. I stared at the person in front of me with bewildered eyes, as they stood in front of me with a sweet smile. They hadn’t aged a day since I last saw them. It was like I was sixteen all over again. “Mom,” I whispered in disbelief. How the hell could my mom be standing in front of me right now? I found her body lying cold on the bathroom floor. I was at her funeral, and I saw her lying in the casket, and I watched as they put her down in the ground. So, how in the hell was she standing in front at me? Was my brain playing tricks on me? When I was in my coma, I vividly remembered seeing her. That same smile that was on her face before was present now.

“I’m so sorry for leaving you guys.” I nearly fainted when I heard the woman’s voice. That same voice that told me I’d do amazing at my second grade play, that same voice that told me about the birds and the bees, and that same voice that told me when I was sixteen that it was okay that I was gay. “Don’t tell your brothers and sisters about this, especially Ryker. You know he would always get jealous since you were my favorite. You’ve grown into an amazing, responsible woman, Athena.” My eyes began tearing up. I had no idea what was going on, but it was really fucking with my emotions. “I have to go now, but promise me something. Promise me that you won’t let Kai go. You may not see it, but she’s a good girl.” Mom reached her hand out towards me. There was a thick envelope. I took it slowly, expecting it to disappear in my hands but it didn’t. I peeked inside to see a bunch of money. I looked back up and there was no one there.

“Who are you talking to, baby,” the voice asked behind me. Kai’s arms wrapped around me, and her warm lips pressed against my shoulder. I stood there with my mouth wide open. “Someone gave you money,” she asked curiously. I turned around to face her and she furrowed her brows at me. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Are you okay, Athena?”

Immoral Deeds (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now