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Kendall was lying in bed. She smiled as Simon walked in with Lily. Lily babbled as Simon put her on the bed.

Kendall sighed and looked at him. "I think I'm ready for work today," she told him.

Simon smiled. "You sure?" He asked.

Kendall nodded and smiled. She looked at him. "I mean. I think it's time I did. We need to earn money for our munchkin and the football team you want," she joked.

Simon laughed and nodded. He sat on the bed and kissed her. "I love you Kendall Mulgrew."

"I love you too."

The three of them went to the school. Kendall smiled when she saw Lacey. She went to walk over to her but frowned as she walked off. "What's all that about?" Kendall asked.

Simon sighed. "She's blaming herself for what you went through. It was her dad who hurt you. And I think she's taking it personally," he said.

Kendall nodded and sighed. She kissed the top of his head. "Okay. I should go and find my mother. You take madam here to the crèche," she told him.

"Yes ma'am."

Kendall rolled her eyes as Simon walked off. She sighed and walked into the school. She saw her mum standing there. "Hey."

"Hello love. Are you okay?" Christine nodded.

Kendall nodded and sighed. "Yeah. Is Lacey okay?"

Christine said nothing. Kendall sighed. "Come on mum. Talk to me. What's going on with her?" She asked.

"She told me she thinks you hate her. Because of what happened. So please go and talk to her. Tell her you don't."

Kendall walked into the library. She saw Lacey sitting there with her headphones in. Kendall walked over and took them off her. "Hey. Mum told me you think I hate you. I don't. I love you so much babes."

"But why don't you hate me? My father caused you so much pain. You should hate me. I hate me," Lacey said.

Kendall took her hand. "You're my little sister. So why would I hate you?"

Lacey shrugged. "I don't want to feel like this. Everyone is looking at me like I'm the freak of the school. My dad hurt me. And he hurt you. And I can't cope with that."

Kendall smiled. "It will be okay. I promise you."


Kendall saw Simon in his office. She bit her lip and walked in. "So everyone is in class. I was thinking we could fake make a baby? You know. We have to get some practice in."

"Because we don't know what we're doing?"

Kendall grinned and straddled him. She looked into his eyes. "I want you. Now," she said.

Simon got her off him. He stood up and closed the door. He made sure to lock. He walked back to Kendall and sat her on the desk. He wiped everything off of the desk and got between her legs.

Kendall took down his trousers and ran her hand over his member. She grinned as he ripped down her thong. He accidentally ripped them. "They were my favourite pair," she said.


Simon lined his member up against her entrance and plunged in. Kendall moaned. But she knew that she needed to keep it quiet.

Simon started moving in and out of her. The moans were coming from her. Kendall felt Simon release his load into her. She followed.

Their heads were rested against each other. Simon kissed her. "I promise. Everything is going to be okay."

"I know."

The two of them kissed again. But neither had no idea of the obstacles that were about to be thrown at them.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now