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Kendall sighed to herself as she sat in Lacey's room. She was trying to find clues on where Lacey was. She frowned to herself as she looked through the drawers and frowned as she saw an abortion leaflet and saw a date that was quite recently. Kendall sat on the bed and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She knew it was simons baby. She knew that he had got her baby sister pregnant and she was angry. She couldn't believe what had happened. She walked off out of the house. She knew that lily was still in hospital and that Christine was with her. Kendall grabbed her keys and drove to Simon. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she walked in. He looked to her in shock "Kendall, what are you doing here" he asked as she looked to him and glared "pease tell me that this isn't what it looks like that you didn't get Lacey pregnant and force her into an abortion?" Kendall asked as he looked to her and sighed.

"I'm so sorry" he said as she looked to him and glared as she went to hit him. He grabbed her arm and looked to her. There was so much hate and passion between them. He pulled her close and leant in and kissed her as she pulled him close and kissed him passionately as he pushed her against the wall as they made out passionately. She ran her hands through his hair as he pulled her close. She pushed him onto the sofa and straddled him as they stripped off as he rolled over so that he was on top of her. He pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her.


Kendall sighed to herself as she sat starring at her phone as Christine looked to her and smiled "hey are you oaky" she asked as Kendall looked to her and sighed "I just want to know if she is okay, I just want her to come back" Kendal said as Christine looked to her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around Kendall and smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled "it's going to be okay, we will find her and she will be okay" Christine said as Kendall looked to her and smiled. Kendall hoped that she was right, she knew that all she wanted was her little sister back home so that she was save and sound.


Kendall got to work and sighed as she walked into the staffroom and saw Simon. He was looking at her and smirking "are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and sighed "look what happened with us was a mistake and it meant nothing and you need to except that" she said as Simon looked to her and smirked "I think that we both know it wasn't true" he said as Kendall looked to him and sighed "I hate you okay, and I will never forgive you what you did to Lacey and too me" Kendall said as he looked to her and frowned. He was determined to win her back but could he?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now