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Kendall didn't know what to do. She knew that she missed Simon but she also hated him for what he had done to Lacey. She was also worried about her little girl. She had named her Lily.

When morning came, Kendall woke to the sound of Christine on the phone. She sounded frantic. Kendall climbed out of bed and made her way downstairs.


Christine looked at Kendall and shook her head. Kendall frowned. She knew something had happened. But she didn't know what.

When Christine hung up, she looked at Kendall. "Lacey didn't come home last night. I've been ringing everyone and no one has seen her," she said.


Kendall sat in the hospital with Lily. She held her hand through the incubator. She was worried about Lacey and worried about Lily. Everything was getting on top of her.

The door opened and Simon walked in. Kendall glared at him. "Can I help you?" She spat.

"I came to see our daughter. You look stressed. Is everything okay?" Simon asked. He smiled down at his daughter.

Kendall shook her head. "No. Lacey didn't come home last night. No one has seen her since school," she said.

Simon frowned and sat by Kendall. "Is she at the school house?"



Simon had offered to stay with the baby while Kendall went to help with Lacey. Kendall walked into the house and sighed. "Anything?"

Christine shook her head. "Nothing yet. The police are out looking for her. I've found a diary though. I think it's hers," she said.

Kendall took the book and opened it. She smiled at her little sisters messy handwriting at 8 years old:

Hi book.
Today Connor's daddy hurt me. He said it was a game. It didn't feel like a game. He said it was a game that big girls play. I can't tell mummy or Kendall cause they won't want to be my friend anymore. I'm scared.

Lacey Mulgrew Aged 8

Kendall paled. She looked at Christine. "M-Mum."


Simon looked up as Kendall walked back in. She was crying. He took her hand. "What's happened?" He asked.

"Don't worry. Family stuff. How's Lily? Any change?" Kendall asked.

Simon smiled. "She might be able to come home soon. She's doing so brilliantly," he said. 

Kendall nodded and sighed. She sat down and put her hand in Lily's incubator. "Mummy will always keep you safe. I promise."


Kendall went home that night and sighed. She looked at Christine. "Anything?" She asked.

"No. The police can't find her anywhere. It's getting cold out there now and she's been gone for two nights."

Kendall felt the tears sting her eyes. She broke down crying as she finally let everything out. Her little sister was missing and her daughter was ill in hospital.

All she wanted was for Simon to love her and be with her. Christine joined her on the sofa. "Where is she Mum? Why has she done this?" Kendall sobbed.

Christine held her close. It was the first time in years that the two had hugged. Kendall cried into Christine.


Kendall lay in bed that night and grabbed her phone. She typed out a text for Simon:

'I miss you. We can try again - Kendall xx'

But could she send it?

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