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Simon sighed as he sat with lily and smiled as he pulled up in front of Kendall's. Simon knee it was his turn to drop her off " daddy wants your mummy back, and I promise you he is going to find a way to do it" he said as lily looked to him and babbled away. He stood from the car and picked up Lily as he walked to the door. His phone buzzed as he picked it up and frowned. He saw that there was a message from the private investigator that he had hired. It was a sighting over Lacey. He walked to the door as Kendall answered and lily and smiled "have you been a good girl" Kendall asked lily as Simon smiled "she always is" Simon said as Kendall smiled "I want to talk about us" he said as she looked to him and smiled "Simon, we are done okay and you aren't my priority finding Lacey is" she said as she slammed the door close

Simon sighed as he grabbed his phone calling the private investigator "it's me, have you found her?" He asked as he nodded. He listened as he heard an address. He knew where it was. He was going to find Lacey. Simon drove to an abandoned warehouse and frowned as he stood from the car. He walked in and walked over to a locked room. He kicked the door down to see Lacey as she lay in the corner "Lacey, come on" he said as Lacey looked to him and frowned "I've come to take you one, come on" he said as he helped her to feet and lead her to the car "come on, your family miss you" Simon said as lacey looked to him. She looked broken "they hate me, I'm worthless" Lacey said as he looked to her and frowned


Kendall got to the hospital and frowned as she saw Christine "is she okay? Is Lacey okay" Kendall asked as Christine looked to her and sighed "come here" she said as she lead her to a room. Kendall looked in and frowned as she looked to Lacey. She walked in and placed a hand on Lacey's shoulder. Lacey jumped under her touch as Kendall frowned "it's okay lace, your home now and I am going to look after you. I promise" Kendall said as she pulled her sister close and smiled as she held her close. Kendall looked as Christine walked into the room and sighed. They were both worried, they were both worried over just what had happened to Lacey


Kendall sighed to herself as she got to simons flat and sighed. He looked to her and frowned "are you okay?"  Simon asked as Kendall shock her head "everything is a mess, Lacey is" she said as he held her close "it's going to be okay. I love you and I'm not going anywhere" he said as he leant in and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as he lead her towards the bedroom. He pushed her onto the bed and smirked. They stripped off as he climbed on top of her and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. But would Kendall be able to forgive him?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now