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Kendall has moved back in with Christine. She couldn't be around Simon knowing what he had done. What he had done to her little sister, Kendall sighed as she walked into the kitchen and saw Lacey who was sitting in the corner of the room and smiled to her. Kendall knew just how much Lacey blamed herself for Kendall and Simon ending things but Kendall didn't blame her. She blamed Simon, he had used her little sister as well as cheated on her. Kendall was worried, Kendall looked to Christine and smiled "are you heading into the hospital" she asked as Kendall nodded "yeah before work" Kendall said as Christine nodded "have you spoke to Simon" Christine asked as Kendall looked to her and sighed "no, and I don't want too" Kendall said as she looked to Lacey. She notice her tense up at the mention of Simon. She knew that she still blamed herself.

Kendall walked over and sat next to Lacey and smiled "you know this isn't your fault, I should of expected this from Simon. I knew what he was like and he isn't going to change. He took advantage of you and I don't hate you, I don't blame you for any of this. Your my baby sister and I could never hate you" Kendall said as she looked to her and smiled. Lacey hugged her and smiled "is the baby going to be okay, you haven't even named her" Lacey asked as Kendall nodded "I know I just need some time for her to get better. She's so little but she's put some weight on. It's not on you, it's on him" Kendall said as Lacey nodded. Lacey couldn't help but feel guilty, she wanted to tell Kendall over the abortion but Lacey knew deep down it would kill Kendall.


Later that day, Lacey walked down the hall and school. She looked towards Kendall's classroom and frowned as she saw her as she sobbed into Christine. Lacey felt her heart break feeling responsible for Kendall's heartache. Lacey walked off as Kendall looked to Christine and smiled "I can't do this mum, I can't do this alone. It scares me and I don't know how to be a mum to that baby" "you can, you've looked after Lacey and Connor for years and it's all going to be okay, I'm your mum and I'm here for you but that baby needs you as Simon has done nothing but let her and you down" Christine said as she wiped the tears away from her face and smiled.


Later that Lacey sat in an empty classroom as Simon walked in and  looked to her "you need to stop this, your acting like a brat and need to forget over the abortion" he said as she looked to him and glared "how am I meant to do hat it's my baby, it was my baby and I did this for Kendall not you" she spat as he looked to her and rolled her eyes "I don't care just act normal for once I won't let you ruin my chances of getting back with Kendall" he spat as she walked off as Lacey sighed not knowing how long she could keep so many secrets from her sister for.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now