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Kendall sighed to herself as she sat on the edge of the bath. She felt as if it was the longest three minutes of her life. She glanced over to the test on the counter and sighed. She knew that she and Simon weren't careful, so knew that it was a high possibility that she was pregnant. She sighed and stood up as her phone beeped. She walked over and grabbed the test off of the side. She looked down at the test to see it was negative. She didn’t know why but part of her felt disappointed. Disappointed that she wasn’t pregnant. She sighed and walked back into the bedroom. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed "Simon" she said as she woke him up.

He groaned and turned to look at her and frowned "what's going on?" He asked as she sighed and handed him the negative test. He looked to her and frowned "why didn’t you tell me that you thought you were pregnant?" He asked as she shrugged "I was scared, but now I'm not, I feel...i don’t know disappointed" she said as he sighed. He sat up and pulled her into a hug and kissed her head "it will be fine" he said as she smiled "we have years and years to have a family, let's just enjoy us, for now" he said as she smiled and nodded as he kissed her. She kissed him back and placed a hand on his cheek and smiled "move in" she said as he frowned "move in with me, your always here why don't we make it permeant" she asked as he smiled "I'd love to move in with you" he said as he leant in and kissed her.


Kendall got to work and sighed to herself. She walked to the office and saw Darren and Lenny. She looked to Christine and sighed "what happened?" She asked as Christine handed her a phone "pictures" she said as she looked to the pictures that Darren had took of his classmates. She sighed "cooler" Kendall said as they stood up and groaned. She looked to Christine "this isn't the first time its happened" Kendall said as Christine nodded "try call Darren's mother, and we will sort this out" Christine said as Kendall walked to Sonia "can I have Darren hudges mother" she said to Sonia who nodded and handed her the phone.

After a stressful morning. Kendall walked into the staffroom and saw Simon. He walked over to her and pulled him to her and kissed her. She kissed him back and deepened the kiss. It started to get more heated as the door opened and sue walked in. Kendall pulled away and looked to Simon who was smirking. She felt awkward around sue, knowing she stole her fiancée. Christine walked into the staffroom and looked to Kendall "can I speak to you Kendall?" She asked as Kendall frowned "er sure" she said "I'll see you later" Kendall said as she pecked Simon on the lips and walked off to the office.


"is everything okay?" Kendall asked as she took a seat in the office. Christine smiled at her "no, I just wanted to speak to my daughter" she said as Kendall nodded. "Connor has left and I have a lot of time to think, its made me think that I have you around and back in town and I felt like I have lost Connor and I don’t want to lose you" she said as Kendall looked to her and smiled "mum, I am not going anywhere, I promise" Kendall said as she walked over to Christine and hugged her.

Kendall waked into her and Simon shared office "how's it going?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled "good, I think we're all ready for the resilience camp" he said as she smiled. She walked over and sat on the edge of his desk "I'm proud of you" she said as he smiled to her. He frowned as h saw just how off she saw how off she seen "ken?" He said as she sighed "I don’t know if I'm strong enough to cope, my mum is going downhill and I can't do it over again" Kendall said as she wiped the tears from her eyes come here" Simon said as he pulled her onto his lap and pulled her into a hug.

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