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"what the hell is going on here?" Christine asked as Kendall looked away, she brushed away her hair from her face, avoiding eye contact with Kendall. "you really have hit low haven't you Simon, you trying to get my daughter into your bed" Christine said "its not like that" Simon said as Kendall looked between them "Kendall, care to explain" Christine asked and Kendall looked to Simon "explain what? it was a kiss, people kiss all of the time, its nothing for you to worry about?" Kendall said and Christine looked to her daughter not believing her ears "hes engaged" Kendall sighed and closed her eyes "ill leave you too talk" Simon said as he walked out of the classroom "well?" Christine asked "it was a moment of weakness, that's all" Kendall said ad Christine looked to her "are you sure?" Christine asked and Kendall smiled "trust me mum, its was a heated moment that's all" Kendall said, unsure if she was telling herself or telling Christine. Christine nodded still unsure but decided to let it slid "I don't want you to get hurt Kendall, that's all" she said and Kendall smiled "thanks mum, but I'm fine" Kendall said.


Kendall walked down the hall and sighed, she spotted sue and Simon arguing, a small part of her felt joy as she spotted it and she didn't know why, she gathered it was because she felt as if, if he was having trouble in his relationship it would cause him pain. Kendall watched as Simon walked off and walked over to him "trouble in paradise, what a shame" Kendall said as she smirked to herself. Simon grabbed her arm and pulled her to him "wouldn't you love that" Simon said and Kendall smirked "yes, as it means your not so perfect, you may be a stuck up arsehole but your not perfect as you think" Kendall said "at least im not a naïve child" Simon said causing Kendall to smirk "i would rather be a naïve child than a stuck up arsehole with a bad head do" Kendall said as she pulled out of his grip.


Kendall walked off to the office where she found Christine pacing "what is it?" Kendall asked but Christine ignored her "mum?" "this was on my desk" Christine said as she spotted Simons application for head teacher. Kendall looked up a Christine and sighed "is he being serious?" Kendall asked "completely, I need this job, I have your brother to support" Christine said ad Kendall bite her lip "leave it with me" Kendall said "no, Kendall" Christine yelled but Kendall was already gone. Kendall stormed into the classroom and glared at Simon "so that what it was, you thought you could kiss me and confuse me so you could apply or the head teacher job did you?" "of course not" "then what is it, my mother loves this job and you bloody know it...let me guess your fiancée but you up to it" Kendall said "leave sue out of it" "how would she feel knowing her hubby to be kissed me, I don't think shed be to happy" "don't" Simon said and Kendall smirked "you really are an arsehole, if its a war you want Simon, game on because I wont back down" Kendall said as she walked off.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now