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Simon could feel the anger overcoming him. He took her hand and kissed it. "And what?"

"H-He raped me..."


Simon was shocked. He couldn't believe what Kendall had told him. The love of his life had been raped when she was just 12 years old. He felt so bad for what she had been through at a young age.

He pulled her into his arms. "It'll be okay. I'm here for you. Did you tell your mum?" He asked.

Kendall nodded. She wiped away her tears and sighed. "She didn't believe me. She thought I was making it up. My mum got back with Connor's father and he hurt Lacey. He didn't hurt me because he knew I would have killed him."


Kendall went to see Lacey. She saw her sister sitting in the library with a book. Kendall sat opposite her and smiled. "Hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's weird being back here. I'm not who I was."

Kendall smiled. She knew what she had to tell Lacey would upset her. But she needed to tell her what had happened. "Lace, do you remember when you were younger? And mum was seeing your dad still?" She asked. At Lacey's nod, she continued. "Well, do you remember when you had to go to hospital because your dad hurt you? Well he hurt me too. He did to me what those men did to you."

"He raped you?"

Kendall nodded. She felt the tears slipping down her cheeks again. She took Lacey's hand. "I would rather have him do it to me then to you."

Lacey felt bad. She took hold of Kendall's hand. "Did he ever do it to me?"

"No. Not when you were young."

"Those men. They told me that he said to do it to me. I thought he was in jail?" She asked.

Kendall sighed. "I don't know babes. He might have been released."


Simon looked at Christine. He was annoyed with how she didn't believe Kendall about her being raped at the age of 12. Christine sighed. "I gather Kendall told you. Look, I haven't always been the best mum. It was my own fault I didn't believe Kendall."

"She was 12 years old Christine. She needed you."

Christine rolled her eyes. "I don't need a lecture from you on how to be a parent. I've always tried my best with my girls and Connor."

"Clearly not."

Christine glared. "You weren't saying that when you were getting Lacey pregnant and forcing her into an abortion!" She yelled unaware that the LA inspector walked in.

Simon paled. He realised that there was a high chance he was going to lose his job.


Kendall and Lacey were sitting in Kendall's classroom. Christine walked in. "We have a problem," she said. She saw how Lacey had been crying. "I'm sorry darling."

"Y-You let my father hurt Kendall. You didn't believe her!"

Christine sighed. "We will talk about this. But right now, Simon is in trouble."

Kendall frowned. She didn't know what had happened. "What's come on?"

"Simon and I were arguing. I let slip about him and Lacey. The LA inspector walked in."

Kendall paled. She knew that nothing was going to go right for her. But could she stop Simon from going to prison? Or Would she lose the only man she ever loved?

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