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Kendall wiped the sweat after her morning work out. She had joined the gym to deal with the anger that simon lowsley was causing her. He was frustrating her. Kendall wiped the sweat off of her forehead and her phone buzzed, she seen that it was her mum and opened it to see that she had a text 'can i see ou first thing?' Kendall sighed to herlseof, it was the first day off her being joint deputy with simon, who she was starting to dislike more and more everyday, he thought that he was gods gift, when frankly. Kendall thought he was a stuck up arse. Knedall sent a reply to christine before she went to shower.

Knedall arrivied at work and as she got out of the car, she spotted Simon. She sighd to herself she felt like punching him in the face every time that she saw him. "morning kendall" simon said "hmm...morning" Kendall said "how are you, you hav a bi job to do now that you are deputy" Simon said. Kendall bute her lip and sighed, she felt as if simon was trying to undermind her again "yes i am fully aware of it and besides if you can do it anyone can. Now if you mind i have an important meeting to get to" kendall said as she walked off into the school.  "coffee?" chrisitine asked as kendall walked into the ofifce "please, i could kill for one" kenadall said as she took a seat.Christine walked over and handed a cup to kendal "simon and his apprentice day?" Christine said "the budget?" kendall asked as christine took a seat "i might be feeling paranoid but it feels like one whole pitch for my job" christine said as she looed to simon who was talking with sonya "thats not going to happen though, is it? im here to help and ill be damned if i let simon lowsely win" kendall said as she stood up from her seat, "simon, can we have a word" kendall asked and he frowned, he didnt like the fact that kendall had power, More power than he had at the moment in time. Simon walked into the office "what is it?" he asked "the apprentice day, we cnt afford it with the buget" kendall siad as simon looked to christine "we cant, we promised the student council" simon said "things have to be done, simon" kendall said as the bell went "ill sort it"simon said as he walked off "i feel terrible" christine said "more terrible than if his father in law, to be got your job" kendall asked and christine smirked.


Kendall sat in her classroom, smirking when christine walked in "what are you up to?" christine asked "dont know what you mean mother?" kendall said as christine rolled her eyes "your my daughter kendall, meaning i know that look i have that look, you iherited it off of me" christine said "simon still wants to do this apprentice day? so i say we sit back and watch" kendall said "are you talking sabatage?" "such an ugly word mother, no, i say we watched and watched as he messes it up himself, after all if he does the wont want him as a headmaster will they?" kendall said "i love to know when you became so devious" christine said "i inherited it" kendall said and christine smirked. Kendall had suggested that george to get involved with simon and his apprentice day project as she knew it would annoy simon and the fact that George is likely to help sabatage Simon.


At lunch, kendall stood at the top of the stairs she spotted simon and sue talking and rolled her eyes before he walekd up and the stairs. Kendall froze as they glanced at each other "come with me" simon said as he grabbed her arm and lead her into his classroom "get off of me, i am not one of your students" kendall spat "its a good job, i woulsnt want to meet a deviosus little cow like you as a student" simon spat. Kendall glared at him "go to hell" she said as she went to walked away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him against his chest. Kendall glanced up at him "you really are a stuck up arse who limes to get his own way" kendall spat "and you are niave" simon said "yeah?" "yeah, because you dont see the way i look at you" "what way os that then?" kendall asked as simon leant in and kissed her. Kendall closed her eyes as she kissed him back, his stubble brushed against his face and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. Kendall coulnt help but ask herself just how hin was the line between love and hate.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now