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Kendall sighed to herself as she got to work. She looked to see the baby project that Simon had started for the students and looked to him and smirked "well, it's safe to say we don't need that although we should of thought about it before we got pregnant" she joked as he looked to her and smirked "we have Lacey living with us that's experience enough" Simon said as she looked to him and glared "what are you trying to say? That's she's hard work?" Kendall asked annoyed that he was starting again on Lacey. She felt as if he didn't like her sister as he was always trying to get ride of her "that's not what I'm saying Kendall, all I'm saying is your not her mother and even though you have acted like it in the past that Christine should be the one to be dealing with her and not you" he said as Kendall looked to him and glared "you have no idea what it's like, you had the Perfect home" Kendall said as she stormed off as Simon sighed to himself.

Lacey walked down the hall and looked to Simon and glared. She hated what she had done with her sisters boyfriend and she hated herself. Simon grabbed her and pulled her towards is office and closed the door "let me go" she yelled annoyed "your not going anywhere, you need to keep your mouth shut, Kendall can't know we slept together" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "you mean that she can't know you took advantage of me when I was drink? Don't worry I won't tell her, I don't want her to hate me and she's pregnant. But your the only acting like there's something to hide just stay away from me" Lacey spat as she walked off.


Later that day, Kendall sat in her classroom and rubbed her bump as she was experiencing some pain as Lacey walked in and looked to her and frowned "are you okay?" Lacey asked as she looked to her sister. She could sense that there was something up "I'm fine" Kendall said worrying it was early labour signs, she knew it was to early to have her baby. She was due for another month and half. "Is it okay I stay with you, I mean I know that you and Simon are fighting a lot" Lacey said as Kendall looked to her and smiled "your my sister and he needs to grow up and you can stay as long as you want" Kendall said.


Later that day, Kendall walked towards simons office and frowned to herself as she saw Lacey and Simon who were arguing. She frowned to herself as she listened in "I can't lie to her, you need to tell her what happened between us" Lacey said "no, and you won't either" Simon said as Kendall walked in and looked to them and frowned "what is going on?" She asked as Simon looked to her and smiled "nothing babe" he said as she looked to him and frowned "Lacey?" She asked as Lacey sighed and looked to her "he slept with me, I was drunk and I'm so sorry" Lacey said as Kendall looked to both of them before she walked off.

Simon walked after her and caught up with Kendall who had tears streaming down her face "how could you?" She asked as he looked to her and sighed "I'm sorry" he said as she went to hit him. She punched his chest repeatedly as the tears fell down her face. She was angry, livid and couldn't believe that he had done this to her "my sister, you piece of scum. You can go to hell" she said as she went to walk off as he grabbed her causing her to fall on her frown and groan in pain as Christine walked down the hall and frowned "what the hell did you do to her?" She asked as she helped Kendall up who groaned in pain and frowned as she realised her water had broke "I'll take you to the hospital" Simon said as Kendall glared "no, you stay away from me and this baby" Kendall spat.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now