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Kendall sat outside of the small incubator and smiled as she looked to the small baby. Her baby girl, she was small and it made her heart break as Kendall looked to her. She knew she was ill and knew that there was nothing she could do to help her. Kendall sighed to herself as she wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed as Christine walked in and looked to her and the small baby and smiled "have you spoke to Simon?" She asked as Kendall looked to her and shock her head "I hope he's dead for all I care, he lies to me. He used my sister and he lied to me. If he admitted that he made a mistake I may been able to forgive him but I can't" Kendall said as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed "he's her father" "I don't care, she has me and I'll protect her" "from her own father?" Christine said as Kendall nodded "if I have too, then yes" Kendall said as Christine looked to her and sighed.


Lacey walked into the office back at the school and looked to Simon, who was pacing. He was worried over Kendall and his baby and knew that she wasn't going to tell him what was going on. Lacey looked to him as he looked to her and glared "haven't you done enough? You could of ruined my chances with your sister enough" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "it's more than that, I'm pregnant and it's yours" she said as Simon looked to her and sighed "please tell me that your kidding" he said as she sighed "does it look like I'm kidding" "you have to have an abortion, it's for the best. I'll pay for it, if I have any chance of winning Kendall" he said.

Lacey looked to him and frowned "can't I keep it and say it's someone else's?" She asked "no, Kendall isn't stupid. Your having an abortion" Simon said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes. She wanted this baby but she couldn't have it and she knew it.


Lacey got to the hospital and stood outside of the ICU and looked to Kendall who looked drained as she sat outside of the baby's bedside. Lacey got scrubbed up and walked in and smiled. Lacey had been avoiding Kendall since she had the baby and since Kendall had learnt the truth about her and Simon "are you okay?" Lacey asked as Kendall looked to her and smiled "I'm fine" Kendall said as Lacey looked to her and sighed. Lacey knew she was far from okay and that she was one push away from a breakdown "I know you still love him, you need him to be there for you" Lacey said as Kendall looked to her and smiled "I don't need or want him here, not after what he did and how he acted like it wasn't his fault, I hate him" Kendall said as she started to cry.

Lacey looked to Kendall and felt her heart break for her sister. She grabbed her phone and sent Simon a text;

"I'll have to abortion, for Kendall not you"- Lacey

"Good. Your making the right decision" - Simon

Lacey looked to her phone and sighed to herself. She knew that she had to do it even if she felt as if she wasn't doing the right thing.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now