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Kendall walked into work, her heels clicked against the tile flooring as she spotted Lenny and lisa brown fighting "stop that now" Kendall said "sorry miss" they said as Kendall walked towards her classroom. She placed her bag on the side and sighed to herself and ran her hands through her hair. Simon and sue walked past her classroom, simon glanced to kendall and he smirked to her. Kendall sighed to herself, she could help but try and avoid her feelings. She knew that deep in her heart that she was falling for Simon lowsley, but she knew that it was so wrong, she knew that it would only end in someone being hurt. More likely her, she knew he was engaged to sue but she knew sue would be no competition to her, if she really wanted Simon. Kendall knew that she could have could help him in her bed, if she really wanted to. There was a knock at the door and Kendall pulled herself out of her trail of thought and looked up to see that it was Simon. "Mr lowsley?" Kendall said "no formal, and its not 9am" Simon said and Kendall sighed as she looked to him "what is it?" "we need to talk, about us?" "what us?" Kendall asked, she was scared that he would reject her.

Kendall sighed to herself "no, Simon I  am not going to stand here and listen as you tell em that it was a mistake, that its sue, its always the girl like sue, its never me" Kendall said as she walked over to the window looking out. She bite her lip and inhaled a deep breathe "Kendall" Simon said as he walked over to her "im not prepared to here this, can you go?" Kendall asked and Simon nodded, it was the first time he saw Kendall for who she was, the girl that had been hurt in the past. The girl who just wanted someone to love her for who she really was. Simon nodded as he walked to the door to see that it was locked. "its locked" Simon said and Kendall sighed as she walked over to the door, and tried it. "Someone's jammed it from the other side" Kendall said as she walked over ad took a seat "now what?" Simon asked "we wait until someone finds us" Kendall said as Simon sat on the side of the desk

"just so you know, I wasn't coming here to tell you that, it was over" Simon said as Kendall looked to him, he had his back to her "then what were you coming here to tell him?" Kendall asked as Simon turned around to look at her "i came you, to tell you that, if I've you are a stubborn, childish and the most annoying woman I have met, I actually like you, I like you a hell of a lot" Simon said and Kendall sighed, she knew it was what she wanted to hear "and/ what about sue?" "she's nothing, compared to you, I don't want to marry her" Kendall stood from her seat and walked over to him. She stood between his legs and placed a hand on his cheek "what are you saying?" Simon sighed "im saying I want you" Kendall smiled slightly as Simon leant in and kissed her, She wrapped her arms around his neck as he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer deepening the kiss "are you sure, im not that great" Kendall said "you are, and I haven't been so sure before" Simon said as she leant in and kissed him again just as the door opened and Christine walked in "what the hell is going on?" Christine asked as they pulled apart "shit" Kendall said as they glanced to an angry Christine.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now