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Kendall groaned as she woke in bed. She and Simon had been awake most of the night having sex. Simon couldn't keep his hands off of her.

Kendall smiled as Simon walked in with. Their baby. She grinned as he. "How can you actually move? I was rough as hell last night," he said.

Kendall grinned. "Well you know me... I'm an expert at taking it," she told him.

"Kinky sod."

The two of them kissed as Lilly babbled her head off. Kendall held her close. She grinned. "I think I need to talk to Lacey. She's acting up."

"Max again?"


Simon sighed. "If he is involved with her, he will lose his job. We both know that," he told her.

Kendall nodded. She smiled slightly. "At least I've got you. I love you."

"I love you too."

Kendall and Simon went into work. Kendall saw Lacey and sighed. "I need to talk to her. And I don't want to. Because I know she's going to be a madam."

Simon smirked. "Your mini me isn't she?"

"Yes. But that's fine. I've practically raised her haven't I? Maybe I should take her back. Get this obsession with Max Tyler out of her mind," Kendall mumbled.

"We can if you want. We still have her bedroom."

"I'll talk to mum. But you, last night, I want a repeat tonight," Kendall said as she kissed him.

Simon smirked and winked. "You can have it," he said as he walked off.

Kendall smiled and watched as he went inside. She knew that their relationship had been a lot of ups and downs. But she just wanted them to work.

Kendall walked into the library. She saw Lacey and sighed. "You need to get over this thing with Max Tyler. It's going to end in a disaster."

"Let it go. There's nothing going on with me and him. He's been helping me with my work. That's all," Lacey said.

Kendall rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid. You're going to end up hurt. And he's going to lose his job. Don't you care about that?!"

Lacey shrugged. "How can he lose his job if we're only talking? He's helping me with my college applications too! That's all!" She said as she took out some brochures.

Kendall frowned. "Babes... I'm sorry."

"No. You jumped to conclusions. You made me seem like i was in the wrong."

Kendall took her hand. "I don't want you getting hurt Lace. You're my little sister. And I love you."

Lacey sighed. "I love you too. But that's all that's going on. He's helping me," she said.

"Okay. I believe you."

Kendall walked into Christine's office. She sighed. "I want Lacey to come back to me. She's clearly unhappy."

"No. She doesn't get to be a brat. She doesn't get to stay out until all hours. Then come back stinking of sex!" She said.

Kendall frowned. "Stinking of sex? Who's she been sleeping with?"

Kendall groaned as Simon pulled out of her. She grinned. "You're amazing. You know that?" She said.

Simon shrugged. "I've been told before. I love you."

"I love you too."

But with everything seeming so perfect at the moment, would it last for them? Or would everything go completely wrong?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now