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Simon was frantic, it had been a few days sine Kendall had vanished and no one seemed to care. He wanted Lacey back with him. He wanted to look after her and make sure that she was okay.

Simon sighed as he sat looking at his phone and sighed as lily babbled away "dada?" She said as Simon looked to her and smiled. He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head and smiled

"daddy is here and we will do all that we can to get mummy back" Simon said.

Simon looked up as Christine walked in. He sighed. "Anything?" He asked.

"No. Lacey isn't awake either yet. The doctors don't think she'll pull through. She's has so much trauma to her body," she said.

Simon nodded and sighed. He put Lily down to sleep. "She'll be okay. Kendall too."


Kendall groaned as she woke up. She saw Lacey's dad sitting there. "What kind of man hurts his own daughter?" She spat.

"The man who didn't want her to begin with. do you know that the first time, she told me she wanted to play a game. A game that only she and I could play. So I did that."

"You're a sick bastard. They're going to lock you up for good," Kendall said as she tried to stand up.

"Maybe so. But guess what... Lacey is too damaged inside. I made sure of that. She might not wake up. Shame isn't it? And as for you, I'll let you go when I've had enough. And right now, I haven't had enough," he said.

Kendall nodded and rolled her eyes. "Well. It's nice to know that you think it's okay to rape people. I mean... proper gentleman aren't you?"


Simon was getting annoyed with the police and how they were doing nothing to find Kendall.

Maggie Budgen had come to pick up Lily. Christine looked at him. "Calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down. My fiancée and the mother of my daughter is missing. Your other daughter is fighting for life because of damage caused by your ex-husband! You're in no position to tell me to calm down."

Christine frowned. "How dare you?! I have always done my best for my kids! I didn't know that Lacey's father would rape his own daughter! You're a sick person," she spat.

Simon rolled his eyes. "Don't play the concerned parent now Christine."


Lacey's dad had raped Kendall again. She could feel the fight she had in her disappearing. She didn't know how much more she could take.

He smirked. "You always did love a fight didn't you? Little Kendall. Wanting to be the best big sister. Well you failed. You failed at being a sister. You'll fail at being a mummy too. Maybe when your brat is older, I'll go after her too."

Kendall lost it. She saw a knife on the floor and stood up. She went for Lacey's dad and stabbed the knife into him.

As he fell to the floor, Kendal ran. She ran to the front door of the flat. There were too many locks on the door.

All of a sudden, Kendall felt a hand on her neck. "Stupid girl. For that, I'll kill you, Lacey and your little demon."

"You won't touch any of them!" She yelled as she pushed him away from her.

He fell back onto the table and hit his head. He wasn't moving.

But had Kendall killed him? Or was the nightmare for Kendall and Lacey only about to begin?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now