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Kendall sighed to herself as she woke up. She looked to the empty bed next to her and frowned. She sat up and sighed as she stood from the bed. She walked through the flat and looked to see Simon who was doing paper work. She looked to him and smiled “are you ready for your first day as head?” she asked as he looked to her and smiled “yeah, can we talk about lacey?” he asked as she looked to him and frowned. “what about her? We don’t need to talk about lacey, she's fine” Kendall said as Simon looked to her and sighed “she's out of control” “i don’t care, she's family and you don’t give up on family Simon, look I get you don’t talk about yours and you're not close and whatever, but lacey is my little sister and I don’t give up on her, I can't give up on her, she has no one else, Connor is away in London, I am her sister and our mum is a mess, I need to look after her” Kendall said as he looked to her and smiled “Kendall, please, you're not her mum” Simon said as Kendall looked to her and shock her head “I'm as good as” Kendall said as she walked off.


Kendall stood in the staffroom at work. She rubbed her small bump and sighed to herself as she spotted Christine. Christine walked over to her and Kendall looked to her “so, I see that your sober for once” Kendall commented as Christine sighed and looked to her “drop the attitude Kendall, your about to be a mother” Christine commented as Kendall rolled her eyes “what do you want?” Kendall asked rather annoyed. “i want lacey home, she's my daughter and it's my job to look after her, you can try it once you have your own child” Christine said as Kendall rolled her eyes and looked to her “no, you are not stable enough to be a mother, especially to lacey, she needs stability and there is no way that she's getting it with you, you need to sort yourself out before you decide you want to be a mum again, you forgot I have heard it all, I was the child that looked after your children and sat up all night wondering if you would return home” Kendall spat as she walked off.

Later that day, Kendall sat in her classroom and sighed as Simon walked in. He looked to Kendall and smiled “did Christine talk to you?” he asked as she looked to him and frowned “you didn’t? You talked to her about lacey, didn’t you?” she asked as he sighed and nodded “you can't do that, you don’t know half the stuff that woman put us through” Kendall said as Simon looked to her “we need to focus on our family, the family we are about to have” he said as he pointed to her bump. She placed a hand on it and sighed “lacey is this babies aunt, this baby is safe and lacey isn't not with my mother, and if you loved me, you would support me in that, why do you hate lacey, so much? Is it because she reminds you off me just before I fell for you, she's a child and I'm not kicking her off to my mum, just except it or bog off” Kendall said as she stormed off as Simon groaned to himself, knowing he isn't going to be able to come between the two sisters.


Later that night, Kendall sat in the flat and smiled as lacey walked in. She walked over and sat next to Kendall “is everything okay? I heard you and Simon arguing over me, I can leave” lacey said as Kendall looked to her and smiled to lacey “no, you're not going anyone, Simon is a grown man and he will have to get over himself” Kendall said as lacey smiled “but I'm in the way” “no, you're not and you never will be, you’re my sister” Kendall said as Simon walked in. He looked to Kendall and smiled “I'm sorry” he said as she smiled to him as Lacey accused herself. Simon took a seat next to Kendall and sighed “look, if you're going to make me choose between you and her, i will Simon and ill chose her, because she needs me more” Kendall said as he looked to her and nodded. Could Simon learn to accept Lacey or will he loose Kendall and their baby?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now