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Kendall stood outside of the police station as Simon walked out. She looked to him and sighed as she walked over him and hugged him "are you okay" Kendall asked as he hugged her close "not really,I have been in a police cell all night and treated like a criminal" he said as Kendall looked to him and sighed "I talked to Lacey, she was questioned and denied it, you did too didn't you as I can't loose you and neither can lily" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and smiled "I did, I couldn't loose you. Where is lily?" "Imogen and Connor are watching her at the school house. I was fearing the worse" she said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as they walked behind the alleyway as they started to walk home. She turned to face him and smiled "you asked me something a few weeks ago, ask me again" she said

He looked to her and frowned as he realised what she was meaning. He slipped of the ring that he kept on his finger as he got down on his knee "Kendall rose mulgrew, I love you more than anything will you do me the honour and marry me?" "Yeah I will" she said as he stood up and grabbed her face in his and kissed him. She kissed him back as the kiss got more passionate as he pushed her against the wall. His hands went up her thighs as he pulled at her thong as she undid his belt and smirked as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan. He started to move in and out of her as she kissed him passionately. They knew it was a risk they were beside a police station but they wanted each other right there in that moment


Kendall got to Christine to see Lacey. Simon was with lily as kenadall wanted to cheek on Lacey. Kendall walked into the room and smiled as she saw her sister "I heard you spoke to the police are you okay" "I'm fine, how's Simon I know what happened but I didn't want him to go to jail" Lacey said "he will be okay" Kendall said as she sat next to Lacey. Lacey looked to Kendall and sighed "there's something that you need to know, the inspector didn't call the police it was mum" Lacey said as Christine walked into the room "is that true" "yes, he didn't to pay for what he did" "no, he didn't. He is a good man and he made a mistake so you drop this or you won't see me or lily again. Simon is for keeps were getting married so sort it out" Kendall spat


Kendall stood by her car as Lacey walked out "can I come with you" she asked "sure" Kendall said as she stood as she went to ring Simon. She was hit over the back of her head and fell to the ground the last thing she heard was laceys voice and Simon calling her name through the phone but who had attacked Kendall and what did they want with her?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now