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Kendall walked into Christine's and into the kitchen as she saw Connor and Christine hugging. She stood in the doorway and smiled slightly as they pulled away. Connor looked to her and smiled as she wiped away a tear from her eyes "you don’t need to cry, I'm not a baby anymore ken" Connor said as Kendall smiled to him "you will always be my baby brother Connor, you know that even if you are married and working in London" Kendall said as she hugged him. Kendall found it strange the act that her little brother was leaving before her. "don’t forget us when you’re a successful, famous chef now" Kendall said as he smiled at her "of course not" he said as Kendall looked to Christine "you okay?" Kendall asked as Christine smiled and nodded which caused Kendall to frowned. She could tell that Christine was off and knew that she was finding her youngest child leaving the nest harder than she thought.


Kendall walked into work later that morning as Simon frowned when she walked in. He walked to her "hey, you left early this morning where were you?" He asked "I told you last night Simon, Connor is leaving today. I went to say goodbye to my brother" she said as he smiled to her "I'm sorry, I forgot, are you okay?" he asked and she smiled slightly and nodded "come here" he said as he pulled her into a hug and kissed her head as hector walked in. He smirked to Kendall who groaned in frustrated. Hector Reid was starting to really annoy her more than anything "leave her alone" Simon said to hector "I'm not doing anything" he said as Kendall glared at him "leave Kendall alone or you will be sorry" Simon said "Simon" Kendall warned "what are you going to do?" Hector asked Simon who glared at him. Kendall groaned to herself "I'm off to my classroom, I'll see you in a bit si" she said as she kissed Simon. She walked off and ran her hands through her hair as she left Simon and hector glaring and fighting like a couple of three-year olds.

Simon walked into Kendall's classroom later that day. He stood in the doorway and watched as she wiped a tear away from her eye "you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and nodded "have you stopped acting like a child?" She asked as he smiled and nodded "I'm sorry about that, I just hate how he looks at you" Simon said as Kendall stood up "you're not the only one Simon, he gives me the creeps half of the time. Why do you think I try and stay away from him" Kendall said as Simon placed a hand on her cheek and smiled to her "what are you up to?" Kendall asked as she seen a look in his eye. She knew him well and she knew when he was up to something "I don't know what you mean?" Simon smirked which caused Kendall to roll her eyes "sure" she said "it’s a surprise, I'll catch you later" he said as he walked to the door leaving Kendall groaning to herself "don’t do that to me, I hate surprises" she said as he turned to look at her over his shoulder and smirked "I know"


Kendall sat in her classroom later that night as Simon walked in "hey" he said as she smiled and rubbed her turned eyes "what time is it?" She asked "six, come on" he said as she smiled and nodded "where are we going" she asked as Simon lead her towards the school kitchens. They walked in and Kendall was hit by a sense of guilt as she saw the dinner that Simon had set out for her. She felt bad for being focused on her family "you really are amazing" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her close and kissed her.

She deepened the kiss and moaned into the kiss. He pulled her over to a bench top and lifted it onto the bench "suddenly, I'm not hungry" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and smirked "funny, neither am I, well not for food" he said as he ran his hand up he thigh. She undid his bely as he pulled her close and pushed into her roughly, which made her moaned loudly as he started to move in and out of her. She ran her hands through his hair tugging at it. As he made her love to her. Both of them unaware of carol and George that were hiding at the other side of the kitchen and could hear everything.

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