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Kendall sighed to herself. She felt so stupid, she couldn't believe that she had been so reckless and let Simon kissed him. She had kissed him back and felt like the biggest idiot. Kendall ran her hands through her hair as she sat in the car. She had been avoiding him at every chance that she got and Kendall knew that she couldn't keep doing it, Christine was getting suspious. Kendall walked in to see that one of Simons project was looking in order. He looked to Kendall and smiled "miss mulgrew" "Mr lowsley" Kendall said as Christine walked in. She walked off and walked to her classroom, she was stressed, she didn't have any idea at where her head was at. Christine walked in and smiled to Kendall "you okay?" Christine asked Kendall. Kendall sighed and nodded "im just tired" Kendall said "you sure?" "im fine mum honest" Kendall said.

Kendall sat in her class, she knew that she was avoiding Simon. She ran her hand through her hair and sighed.  As there was a knock at the door. She looked up to see Simon "you would think that you were avoiding me?" Simon said and Kendall stood up. "Well its not as of I like you, so why would I want to see you" Kendall said as Simon closed the door. He walked over to Ber, and she turned to face him, her breathe hitched in her throat. He stepped closer to her and placed a hand on her arm, she didn't glitch. She tensed I'm, she felt something for Simon. Something she didn't want to. She thought that he was a stuck up jerk. "Say no , I dare you" Simon said as he stepped closer to Kendall and leant in and kissed him. Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She knew that this wasn't hate, she had lust for him. She wanted him.

At break, Kendall walked into the office after getting a message that Christine wanted to see her. Kendall thought that Christine knew about her and Simon.But how could she? Not when Kendall herself didn't even know what is was.

"You wanted to see me?" Kendall asked "yes, have you seen this" Christine asked as she showed Kendall a picture of a sext that rhiannon salt had sent around "ooh jeez" Kendall said as Simon walked in. "You wanted to see me" he said as he glanced to Kendall slightly. Christine showed Simon the picture "oh god" Kendall felt sick. She felt as if her past was coming back to haunt her "are you okay?" Christine asked. Kendall nodded "I know shat yph went through" "I'm fine mum, excuse me I have a lesson to prepare for" Kendall said as she walked out of the office. She stood in her classroom and looked out of the window rubbing her eyes as Simon walked in.

"What happened?" Simon asked as he walked over to her. He placed his hands on her hips "university, I had drunk and this boy took advantage took a pi tire of me and sent it around. I was humiliated and embarrassed I still am" Kendall saidbas she wiped away her tears "you don't need to be Kendall, you are a great person" Simon said as he pulled her into his chest as she cried over the past. Kendall bureod her head into him and couldn't help think was she falling for Simon lowsley?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now