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Kendall smiled as she looked to Simon as he gave his resilience presentation "what do you think?" he asked anxious. Kendall could tell that he was trying to impress Christine "babe, you will be fine. Don't worry about trying to impress my mother, she may be your boss but your a great deputy" Kendall said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Simon moaned into the kiss and she looked to him and smiled "you forgot that  don't want to impress her as my boss, but she is my girlfriends mother" Simon said "girlfriend ey?" "yeah girlfriend" Simon said as his phone rang "your mother" he said as he answered the phone "Christine" he said as Kendall looked to him and smiled as he hung up the phone "she hung up on me" he said "she does that, its not personal" Kendall said as Simon smiled slightly. She looked to him and placed a hand on his cheek "si, you will do great, this resilience camp is a great idea. You will be amazing as always Kendall said as she kissed him followed by the school bell "and that's my call, ill see you in a bit" she said "sure"


After assembly, Kendall stood in the staffroom as Christine and Simon walked in. She looked to Simon and smiled as he walked over to her and placed a hand around her waist and kissed her forehead. Christine looked to Kendall and frowned "Kendall, a word" she said as Kendall frowned "sure" she said as she looked to Simon who frowned. Kendall walked into the office and looked to Christine "everything okay?" she asked as she walked into the office "you and Simon" "what about us?" Kendall asked "are you sure its a good idea, I mean you hated him up to a few months ago" Christine said as Kendall sighed "mum please.." "im worried that's all" Christine said and Kendall nodded "and I appreciate it, but me and Simon are in a good place, please just stay out of it" Kendall said as Christine nodded, she felt like Simon wasn't good enough for her daughter.

Kendall walked back out into the staffroom where she spotted Simon and hector talking. Hector looked to Kendall and smirked "hello" he said as he eyed her up and down "eyes to yourself hector, this is my girlfriend Kendall" Simon said "pleasure" hector said as he flirted with her. Kendall rolled her eyes at him as sue walked in. Kendall felt herself tense up as she looked to sue, she hadn't seen sue since she had slapped Kendall in the hall in front of everyone and revealed Simon and her to the hall. Sue looked around the staffroom and looked to Kendall "don't, you haven't done anything to feel ashamed off" Simon said as he took her hand. Sue walked over to Kendall and glared at her "sue I.." Kendall said as sue slapped Kendall "sue, that's enough leave her alone, im not with you anymore so back off" Simon said as he placed a hand on Kendall's cheek "you okay?" he asked and Kendall nodded.


Kendall walked into the staffroom after her lesson and frowned as she seen Simon standing in the corner, quiet. She looked to him and walked over "you okay?" she asked and he sighed "im fine" he lied and she rolled her eyes "what is it?" she asked "your mother hates me" he said "no, she doesn't" "yes she does, I can tell ken, trust me" Simon said as Kendall placed a hand on his cheek "she is just a cow okay, ill talk to her" Kendall said as he smiled.

Kendall walked to the office and looked to Christine sitting behind the desk "you need to find a way to be nice to Simon" Kendall said "excuse me?" "you heard me, you excepted Imogen into Connors life, you can except Simon into mine" "Kendall" "mum please I love him okay and im not giving up on him soon" Kendall said "hes not good enough for you" Christine said as Kendall looked to her "your unbelievable" she said as she walked off. She could feel the tears in her eyes but didn't want to look upset, all she wanted was for Christine to except Simon. She walked into the staffroom and sighed as he walked over to her "you okay?" he asked "yeah fine" "Kendall, you can talk to me" hector said as Kendall smiled "thanks" she said as she looked in before he leant in to kiss her. Kendall slapped him and he looked to her "sorry" he said "so you should be, stay away from me" Kendall said as the door opened and Simon walked in. He looked to the two of them and frowned "everything okay?" he asked "fine" Kendall said as hector walked out "ken?" Simon called "im fine, im just stressed" Kendall said "come here" Simon said as he hugged her. Kendall sighed to herself, knowing how he would react knowing his best mate tried to kiss her.

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