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Kendall stood in front of her mirror as she sorted her hair, she had decided that she needed to stay away from simon.She didnt want anything else to happen between them, she knew that she couldnt handle having another moment like they did when christine walked in on them. Kendall ran a hand through her hair and sighed, she needed to draw her attention as far away as possible from simon lowsley. Kendall grabbed her bag off of the side as she brushed her blonde hair over her shoulder. Kendall drove to her work and walked into the staffroom, she spotted simon and sue and sighed, christine walked over ot her "ken, a word" she said and kendall nodded as she and simon held eye contact, kendall broke eye cotnact as she followed christine towards the office. Kendall took a seat opposite her mother and sighed "so, are you sure that it was just a kiss between you and simon?" "mum, it was nothing, it was a stupid mistake, hes still the same arragonant arsehole as always" kendall said andchristine smiled "good, because i think we need to talk sabbatage, hes applied for my job" christine said and kendall looked to him "of course he has, hes nothing but a backstabber" kendall siad "keep an eye on him ken, even if it means getting close to him" chrisitne said and kendall frowend "are you suggesting i seduce him, to make him weak mother?" "why not? its abvious hw he looks at you, besodes if it makes him suffer" kendall sighed "i dont know" "im not gonig to make you do aything you dont want, just think about it" kendall nodded, she knew she was trying to avoid simon not end up in bed with him.


Kendall walked to her classroom and sighed, she knew everything was a mess, she knew that she was fooling herself. Kendall ranher hands through her hair as simon knocked at the door, kendall looked to him and looked away "everything alright? you seem to be avoiding me" simon said as he closed the door. Kendall rolled her eyes "what is it to you, its no like you care" kendall said as she turned and put her back to him. Simon walked over to her "i do care" simon said as kendall turned to look at him "oh please, you dont, if you did why the hell have you gone and tried to take my mothers job from her, sure its her first time being the head but so what, she is trying her best, but what kind of boss do you think you would be" kendall spat as simon walked over to him "you'd hate it, me being your boss, telling you what to do" "id rather give you a blow job" kendall siad and simon smirked "you said that as if its a bad thing" simon said as eh elant in and kissed her pushing her agaisnt the wall. Kendall ran her hadns in his hair as he ran his hands up her thigh, simon kissed her neck as she groaned "what do you want" simon asked as she goraned "you, i want you" she said and he smirked as he ran his hands up her dress pulling the underwear she was wearing off. He undid his belt and pushed into her and started to move in and out of her as she gripped his shoulder as she moaned.

After they climaxed, simon pulled out of her and the sorted themselves out so it wasnt obvious what they were up to. Simon looked to kendall and she smirked. Simon kissed her forehehad and kendall sighed, she couldnt help but think that she was falling in love with simon lowsley.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now