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Kendall sat in the kitchen with Lily. She had decided that she wanted to get up at five in the morning and Kendall decided that she'd let Simon sleep. She sat feeding Lily her breakfast and looked to her daughter and shock her head

"Your a little madam, just like auntie Lacey aren't you" Kendall said as Lily laughed as Simon walked into the room as he placed his hands on Kendall's shoulders as she looked up at him and smiled

"Hi" she said as he leant in and kissed her and smiled

"How long have you been up" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"Too long" she said as Simon smiled

"I know it's hard, I do but hey don't I finish breakfast with this one and you can go and have a shower as you have food in your hair" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him and smiled 

"What would I do without you" kenadall said as she stood up as Simon grabbed her and pulled her close and smiled

"I know that a lot has happened and I know that your worried over Lacey but she's being a teenager and if there is something going on with max we can't do anything until we get proof but the last thing I want to do is start a war with max Tyler he could ruin us. We can't push Lacey until she tells us anything or we get actual proof" Simon said as kenadall nodded

Kenadall knew how it was and she knew it was complicated and all but she knew that Simon was right and for now, she had to leave it and she knew that it wasn't going to be easy

Kendall looked to Lily and kissed her forehead and smiled as she leant in and kissed simom "I love you" she said as he looked after her and smiled

Simon knew a lot has happened and he knew all that he and Kendall had been through and he was happy. He knew that he wanted to make it all work with her for the sake of their family,y and he knew that getting caught up in the drama with Lacey and max Tyler would only cause trouble for their relationship

Simon looked to Lily and smiled "let's get you fed baby then we get you dressed" he said as Lily looked to him and clapped. Simon knew that Lily was one of his greatest accomplishments


Kendall got to work and smiled as she walked l into the common room "domt start i am not in the mood" Lacey said as Kendall looked to her and sighed

"Don't worry I am not here to have a go at you I just wanted to know if you are okay. I know it can't be easy at home with mum. I know it's not easy but I am here for you" Kendall said as Lacey smiled

"No it's not. But I'm not a kid I don't need babysitting I don't need looking after" Lacey said as Kendall smiled

"Everyone needs looking after none and then. Just promise me if it gets too much that you will talk to me and if there is something going on with you and max more then tutoring just don't put me in an impossible position as I am your sister but it's my job here and simons" Kendall said as Lacey nodded

"He's been nice to me that's all. Nothing is going on I swear" Lacey said as Kendall nodded. Kendall was trying to trust her sister and what she was saying even though she felt unsure of it all.

Kendall loved her sister and she knew that she'd do anything for her and too look after her and she hoped Lacey was telling her the truth and that max wasn't crossing any lines with her little sister

All that Kendall knew was that it was hard and she hated it. She knew that she just wished that she knew that she could know one way or another but she knew if she did that it would put her into an Impossible situation


Kendall walked into simons office and smiled as she walked over and sat on the side of his desk and smiled "a re you oaky" he asked as she smiled

"I'm fine, things are hard that's all but I'm glad I have you" she said as he stood up and stood between her legs, he ran his hands up her thighs and smiled as he looked to her

"I know that none of it is easy but it will be okay" he said as Kendall smiled. She leant in and kissed him and moaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist

She moaned against his touch as he pulled her close. She undid his belt and smirked as he pulled her to him and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her. She rolled her head back and pulled him close as she pulled him close and kissed him passionately

Kendall knew how much that she wanted to make her relationship work although she knew it wasn't easy but could she really make everything work out or would it turn upside down?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now