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Kendall sighed to herself. She was tired and slightly was not in the mood to deal with Simon lowsley. She thought that he was the most stuck up, arsehole she had ever met. He made her feel like s child when, in fact she could do her job a whole lot better than half of the other teachers.  Kendall stood in the car park she watched as Simon pulled and parked, she knew it was going to be one of those days. She just knew it.

Kendall walked to the office where she found Christine hiding under the desk "are we expecting an earthquake?" Kenadall asked "how am I meant to make sense of this, I'm an English teacher not an accountant" Christine said. Kendall walked over and looked at the accounts. "Pass me that posted note" Kendall said as Simon walked in. They glanced at each other before Kendall worked out the maths "your loosing a lot of money" Kendall said hanging the paper back to Christine. Simon and Christine looked at her and frowned "did you do this in your head?" Simon asked. Kenadall looked at Simon and frowned "yes, I'm good for numbers. Is that a problem" she asked "is it right" Simon asked. Kendall felt her blood boil as he doubt her "it is Kenny has always been good with numbers, are you sure you don't want to be a maths teacher" Christine asked "god no. I may be good with numbers but I hate maths" kendall said, she walked out and into the staffroom. Kendall made herself a coffee as sue walked on. Simon and sue exchanged a look and Kendall noticed it and frowned.

Kendall took a seat next to Audrey, as Audrey talked about her cat which had gone missing. Simon walked over "you shouldn't give up hope" he said as sue walked over "I had a cat go missing once" "a happy ending I hope" Audrey asked "ma's Kendall took a drink "ripped apart by foxes, we only found a collar and a single paw" sue said. Kendall choked on her drink as she noticed Simon look to sue "that's why I prefer dogs" Kendall said "well I'm sure you and your boyfriend will discuss that" Simon said "I don't have a boyfriend" "I dont know why, your a lovely  person" Simon said. She knew he was being sarcastic "I am a lovely person, just not to stuck up, arrogant arseholes" Kendall said. She watched as the smirked on his face disappeared and walked off to her first class.

After a fire drill Kendall headed back to her classroom. She had a free period. There was a knock at the door and she looked to see Simon. Kendall sighed "if you have come to have a go, then I'm not really in the mood"  Kendall said "I wanted to know you were okay" Simon asked. Kendall nodded. Simon sat on the desk in front of her. He placed a hand on top of hers as she sighed. She didn't move away from his touch apaprt of her liked it. There was a knock at the door and Christine stood there. "I'll see you around" Simon said and kendall nodded "you know that he's with sue spark don't you" Christine asked "no, why would it matter" Kendall asked "I seen the way you two are, you say he's an arse, he says your naive. There's so much tension between you Kenny. I don't want you to get hurt, not by the likes of him. You have a things for falling for the wrong guys" Christine said and Kendall sighed "mum, trust me there is nothing going on between me and Simon lowsley" Kendall said unaware if she was trying to convince herself or her mother. "I came here to ask, how would you feel about a joined deputy headship with Simon" Christine asked "me? I'm hardly capable" "oh I think you are, your young you know what the pupils need" Christine said "joint with Simon, hardly a match made in heaven, is It" Kendall said "my thought exactly" Christine said. Kendall smirked and glanced to her mother, realizing just where Kendall got her attitude from.

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