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Kendall stood from the bed and rubbed her eyes "come back to bed" a voice said and Kendall smirked as she looked over her shoulder to Simon. She let him pull her against the bed and she groaned as her back hit the bed "your practically a married man, you shouldn't be sleeping in my bed" Kendall said and Simon smirked to her "remind me if im wrong, but I don't think we did much sleeping" Simon said as he leant in and kissed Kendall. Kendall smiled into the kiss, Simon pulled away and placed a hand on her cheek and sighed, Kendall rested her hand on his cheek "are you okay?" Kendall asked "i cant marry sue" Simon said and Kendall sighed as she looked to him "are you sure?" she asked and Simon smiled "im sleeping with you, the day of my wedding, what does that tell you ken, we have been through so much, I thought that I loved sue, but then I met you, you happen to be one of the most annoying and irrating people I have met, but I have come to the conclusion that I love you" Simon said and Kendall leant in, she brushed her lips against his and Simon pulled her to him, so that she was straddling his lap. He ran his hands up her top and Kendall looked to him "are you sure about this? I mean, are you going to tell her about us?" Kendall asked and Simon sighed "im going to break her heart" "better you do it now, then later on" Kendall said and Simon sighed "how do you feel about me telling her about us" "it has to be done, ill make a deal you tell her ill tell you mother" Kendall said and Simon smiled "deal" he said before he flipped them so he was on top of her. Kendall wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.


Kendall drove into work and sighed as she sat in the car, She knew that she and Simon had made a promise, she knew that Christine disliked Simon, a lot and it made this a whole lot harder for her to handle. Kendall stood from the car and walked into the school, she walked to the office and spotted Christine, she smiled to her and Christine looked up "there you are" "sorry, are you ready for the interview?" Kendall asked and Christine sighed "as ready as ill ever be" Christine said "i need to tell you something" Kendall said as Simon walked in. Kendall raised an eye brow to him "Simon?" Christine said "are you okay, you look a little on edge" Christine said and Simon nodded "just with the wedding coming up ad that" Simon said as he smiled to Kendall "exciting times" Christine said and Simon nodded, he glanced to Kendall "i better we off" Simon said and Kendall turned to look at Christine "what is it you wanted to tell me?" Christine asked and Kendall sighed "its difficult and I don't know if im telling you as my mother, or my boss" "Kendall?" "Simon isn't going through with the wedding, hes leaving her"  Christine frowned and looked to Kendall "you two? I thought it was nothing, I thought it was a kiss, you slept with him didn't you?" Christine asked and Kendall nodded "ive fallen for him mum" Kendall said as Christine stood from the chair behind the desk and walked over to Kendall and hugged her I hope your ready for the backfire of this?" Christine asked and Kendall chuckled "not really"


Kendall walked into the hall at lunch, she froze as she spotted sue and Simon arguing. She looked to sue, she knew that Simon had told her. Sue stood up and walked over to Kendall "you whore" she said as she slapped Kendall. Kendall held her cheek and looked to sue "im sorry" "your welcome to him" sue said as she walked off. Kendall could feel the whole hall starring at her and walked off. She walked to her classroom and took a seat behind her desk, Simon followed her seconds later "you okay?" he asked "humiliated, and my cheek stings" Kendall said as Simon walked over to her, he tended to her face and smiled "im sorry" "its fine, shouldn't you be getting to your interview?" Kendall asked "no ,im not going I don't want the job, Christine can have it" Kendall smiled "are you sure, this could be good for you" Kendall asked "i have you, and that's all I want, you, no one else and we can be happy, together I promise" Simon said and Kendall smiled as Simon leant in and kissed her. Kendall couldn't help but hope that he was right and they could be happy together.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now