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Kendall sighed to herself. She had received a call from her mother the night before. Christine had told her about how her deputy had fallen from the roof. Kendall had met tom once before, he flirted with her when she did. Kendall felt sad that something had happened to him. She knew that her mum needed her, she knew that this would possibly cause Christine to drink again. Kendall had agreed to take on toms classes, she knew it that she had to do it. She knew it was the right thing to do. Kendall sighed to gerlsef as she brushed her blonde hair over her shoulder. She slipped on her high heels and looked at her appearance to say that she was nervous was an understatement. Kendall sighed to herself as she grabbed her keys off of the side.

Kendall parked the car and walked into school. She was ready to prove herself to everyone even if she had been teaching for a year. "Excuse me?" Kendall heard someone say. She turned around to see, simon. "Yes?" "Your late, you should be in class come on" Simon said and Kendall frowned "what?" "Your late for class, your not even dressed in uniform" Simon said. Kendall crossed her arm over her chest "I'm not a pupil, you idiot. I'm 23 and I'm a teacher" Kendall said. Simon frowned at her, he couldn't believe she had called her an idiot.

Kendall walked off, she headed towards the office. Where she found her mum. Simon followed her "hi mum" Kendall said as she walked in. Christine stood up and hugged Kendall "she's your daughter?" Simon askedn"yes, problem?" Kendall said. He was starting to annoy her. Simon looked to Christine "you brought a child on to take over toms classes. She's too young, naive to take over that sort of responsibility" Simon said. Kendall crossed her smrs over her chest "excuse me? You don't know me, I've been teaching for over a year I can handle it just fine and maybe you should pull your head out of your arse long enough and not be a judgmental snob" Kendall said. Simon glared at her, he couldn't believe she had spoken to him that way.

Kendall turned to face her mum "how are you?" She asked. Christine smiled at her daughter "I'm fine ken, really. I'm glad your here" Christine said "of course I am" Kendall said. Kendall hugged Christine one more time before she walked imto her classroom. She sat up when her brother Connor came in "hi ken" he said and  Kendall smiled "I never thought is have you teaching me" he said and Kendall smiled "well I know just how much you missed me akthugh I never thought my seventeen year old brother would be married" Connor smirked at her And walked off "I'll see you later, maybe you can meet Imogen" "yeah I'd like that"

Kendall walked into the staffroom at break when Simon walked in "did you handle your first classes alright" he sniggered at her. Kendall flared "very well thank you, arragont snob" Kendall said as she muttered under breath. Se took a seat and sighed to herself. Simon lowsley was ginig to have a big impact on her life, more than she ever thought.

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