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Kendall walked into the school. She saw Lacey there and sighed. She knew she needed to talk to her about what she saw with Max Tyler.

Kendall felt a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. She smiled and saw Simon. "Hey. You were gone early this morning," she said.

Simon nodded and kissed her. "Yeah. I had a meeting. With your mum and Max," he said. He frowned when he saw the glare on Kendall's face. "What's wrong?"

Kendall shook her head. "Nothing babe. I'm just... I'm tired. The baby was kicking all night," she lied.

Simon nodded. But he wasn't convinced. He kissed her and walked off.

Kendall walked into the common room. She saw her sister and sat opposite her. She looked at her. "So do you want to tell me what's going on?"

Lacey frowned. "What do you mean?"

Kendall raised her eyebrows. She rolled her eyes. "I saw you with Mr Tyler last week. He had his hand on your cheek."

Lacey paled. She looked at her sister. "That's nothing. He's... he's helping me catch up with work I missed. That's all."

"And why didn't you come to me for help?" Kendall asked.

"I'm always coming to you for help. I don't want too keep burdening you," Lacey said as she looked at her.

Kendall shook her head. "I don't believe you Lacey. If it was nothing more, then why did he touch you?"

"I don't... I don't want to talk about it."

"Fine. Then I'll go and talk to Mr Tyler," Kendall said as she stood up and walked off.

Kendall was walking to the office when she was pulled into an empty classroom. "What the hell?"


Kendall grinned as Simon's lips found her own. Their lips fought for dominance. Simon's won. He lifted her up onto the table.

Within moments, Simon pushed into her. The two of them moaned in pleasure. Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

The two of them released their loads. Simon pulled out and smirked. He looked at her. "I'm sorry. I couldn't go all day without touching you. You're my everything," he said.

"Well. You're mine too."

The two of them kissed again. Simon groaned. "I have to go and teach year 11. They're torture."

Kendall smirked. "Keep an eye on Lacey? I just don't want her falling back into sitting out."


Kendall smiled and kissed him. She knew that they had both been through so much. She looked at him. "I love you."

"Love you more."

Kendall stormed into the office. She looked to Max. "Keep your hands off of my sister. I see you touch her again, then I'm going to the LA about you. Don't test me," she said.

Max smirked. "Touching that you care. Considering you haven't bothered with her for weeks."

Kendall glared. "How dare you?! Keep away from her. Or else," she spat as she went to walk off.

"Oh how easy it would be to get your darling Simon removed from this school. I've seen him getting friendly with the pupils. I don't think the LA will take too kindly to that. So you either keep quiet. Or I will ruin your fiancée."

Kendall turned to look at Max. She saw the look on his face and saw he was serious. But could she protect from Simon from the wrath that was Max Tyler?

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