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Lacey rolled her eyes as she walked past Kendall's room as she heard the sound of moaning. She was happy that Kendall and Simon were giving it another chance but all that she was hearing was them having sex. Lacey walked into the kitchen and saw Christine and looked to her and smiled "are you okay" Christine asked as Lacey looked to her and smiled "yeah I just don't want them to fall apart again because of me" Lacey said as Christine looked to her and smiled "hey, don't worry okay. None of it is your fault. You made a mistake and it's okay. Your allowed to make a mistake but that's okay. Kendall and Simon are going to be okay and you don't need to worry about that. Your sister is actually happy for once and as creepy as it is. She deserves it" Christmas said as Lacey smiled "is lily in there with them while they probably making her a bog sister" "no Connor and Imogen took her out" Christine said as Lacey nodded

Kendall and Simon walked into the room as she made him a coffee and handed it to him "so you actually managed to pill yourself out of bed" Lacey said "yeah" Kendall said as she took a sip of her coffee and sighed as Simon wrapped an arm around her and held her close and smiled "i have to go" Lacey said as she walked off as Kendall frowned "what's up with her?" Kendall asked as Christine smiled "she still feels guilty over everything and that if you break up that it will be her fault" Christine said as Kendall frowned. She knew Lacey felt guilty still but Kendall didn't want her to and she didn't want her to blame herself over it all


Kendall got to work and walked into the common room where she saw Lacey. Age walked and sat next to her and smiled "so, are fly going to talk to me over what's going on as I know things are tense still but you told me to forgive Simon as I thought you had" Kendall said as Lacey sighed "I have I just haven't forgiven myself for what had happened" she said as led all sighed. Kendall knew Lacey was still angry at herself and she knew that she needed to try and keep a peace with it all even of it meant trying to keep Simon and Lacey out of the same room. Kendall knew that it was all a big mess and she needed to find a way to deal with of all


Kendall sat I'm her classroom and smiled as Simon walked in. She looked to him and smiled "if you have come for a repeat of this morning no chance I'm sore" she said as he smirked "we had making up to do besides I wanted to talk to you over something" he said as she looked to him and smiled "what's that?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled "marry me?"

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now