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Kendall woke up and groaned. She felt awful and she had been for the last few days and she knew it was getting worse. She looked to Simon as he lay snoring next to her and rolled her eyes as she stood from the bed. 

She walked out of the bedroom and frowned as she felt the nausea hit her as she rushed into the bathroom ad she started to throw up. She continued to throw up she groaned as she sat on the floor as she frowned to herself and placed a hand on her stomach and groaned.

She knew that she felt like rubbish and now she was worried over what it could be. She ran a hand through her blonde hair and sighed as she looked to Simon as he stood in the doorway. She smiled as she looked to his bed head and smirked

"nice look" she said as he chuckled

"I heard you throwing up. Are you okay" he asked as she smiled as she offered him her hand to help her which he did

"I have been feeling rotten and I am throwing up we both know what this means" she said as he nodded

"no matter what it will be okay" he said as Kendall looked to him and smiled

Kendall sat in her classroom as she got to work. Her head was a mess and felt awful. She looked to see Lacey as she walked in

"are you okay? Simon said you weren't feeling yourself" Lacey said as Kendall looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay. I'm just a little run down. Lily is teething so we aren't sleeping that much and I am coming down with a bug" Kendall said.

Kendall knew she did want to tell Lacey the truth that she could be pregnant again but she also knew how scared that she was and she knew that she needed to find out for sure.

She had to find out before she told anyone and she was scared. Kendall knew that she and Simon weren't careful. They had never been careful and she was trying her best to make their relationship work after all that she had been through but she knew it was hard

"I am here for you no matter what. You know that don't you" Lacey said as Kendall smiled

"and I'm here for you now you better go or you will be late for class" Kendall said as Lacey nodded.

Kendall knew it was a mess and how she could be pregnant and it scared her more than she'd like to admit

Kendall walked into simons office as he looked to her and smiled

"how are you feeling" he asked as she sighed

"dreadful I think it's the not knowing. I need to find out and I think until I do I will feel this way. What if I am pregnant I mean do you think we can do this" she asked as he smiled

"I do I mean we talked over it but whatever it is. It will be okay" Simon said as she looked to him and smiled. But could Kendall and Simon cope with having another baby?

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