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Kendall sighed to herself as she stood from the car and got to work. She looked to Simon who stood from the car and sighed as she noticed him glare at hector. Kendall ran her hand through her hair and sighed to herself. She knew that she hated hector for continuously trying to get her into bed but he was Simon's best friend at the end of the day, and even if he had messed up on the resilience trip, Kendall knew that he was sorry and wanted to make It up to Simon. Kendall walked towards the steps off the school with Simon and took a hold of his hand and smiled "talk to him Simon, you can tell that he is sorry" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and sighed "no, I cant ken, he messed up and I cant forgive him for that, besides since when were you his biggest fan?" he asked as she rolled her eyes "im not, trust me on that, but everyone cant perfect, well except me" Kendall said smirking as she walked into the school. He followed her and grabbed her hand and smiled "dont you worry about me and hector okay" he said as she smiled and nodded.


Kendall sat in the staffroom as she tried to focus on the work that she was marking. Simon walked in and smiled as he walked over to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and she flinched under his touch before she looked over her shoulder and looked at him as he frowned at her "are you okay?" he asked as he noticed just how off and distracted that she seemed "im fine, what's up?" she asked "nothing, I just wanted to see how you were" he said as he placed a hand next to hers as she looked to him and smiled "im fine, honest si, im just tired that's all" she said as he nodded and she stood up and kissed the top of her forehead as she looked to him and smiled.

Kendall walked down the hall later that day and frowned to herself as she looked to see Kevin who was being brought out of the classroom in a stretcher. She saw Niki and Hector who were standing by the door and looking very guilty as Simon walked towards Kendall "what's going on?" he asked as Kendall looked to him "no idea" she said as he walked over to niki and hector "what happened?" Simon asked as niki ran a hand through her hair and sighed "he had a stroke, I only left for a minute I swear" she said to Simon who ran his hands through his hair "Christine isn't going to like this one bit" he said as Niki sighed and nodded. The look of guilt all over her face.


Later that day, Kendall sat in the hall as she looked to her pasta that was in front of her and sighed to herself. Christine walked over and took a seat opposite Kendall and looked to her "do you want to tell me what is going on?" she aksed as Kendall sighed and looked to her "when you feel pregnant with me. how did you feel. I mean did you know that you wanted me straight away or did you feel scared?" Kendall asked as Christine looked to her and frowned "why o you ask?" she asked, slightly confused as Kendall pushed the pasta that she was eating away and looked to Christine and sighed "because, im late, and I think im pregnant" Kendall said as Christine looked to her and smiled "it going to be okay, speak to Simon" Christine said as Kendall smiled and nodded.


Later that night, Kendall sighed to herself as she stood in the bathroom and held the pregnancy test in her hand. She looked down to it and looked to see it was positive. She grabbed the test and walked out of the bathroom and walked over to Simon who was sitting in the bed and smiled to her "hey, are you okay?" he asked as she sat on the end of the bed and looked to him as she handed him the test. He looked to it and to her and smiled "your pregnant?" he asked as she nodded. He could tell that she was upset and moved over and pulled her into a hug "im scared Simon" "its going to be okay" he said as she sighed to herself, hoping he was right.

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