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Kendall sighed to herself. Her head was a mess over Simon and how she had ended up sleeping with him. She hated herself for it and wished that it didn't happen. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Kendall felt like an idiot for falling back into bed with him. Kendall held lily in her arms as she made her a bottle and smiled "what are we going to do baby? About your daddy? Mummy is silly" Kendall said as lily looked to her with interest as Kendall sighed. She start to feed lily and smiled as she looked down to her baby and sighed. She knew that she would never be done with Simon and that they were tied together for life, they had a child together and she would never cut him out of her life even after everything with Lacey and what he had done. Kendall knew she needed to find a way to tolerate him without falling back into bed with him

Although Kendall knew that it wasn't going to be easy especially when her head was a mess over everything. She didn't know what to do and especially when Kendall knew her head was a mess over her feelings for him and with how he had hurt and used Lacey. She just didn't know what to do. She looked as Christine walked into the room and looked to her and smiled "are you okay" Christine asked as Kendall looked to her and smiled "I'm fine, my head is just a mess that's all" Kendall said as Christine nodded "if it's about Simon lowsley than you need to decide if you can ever forgive him for what he did to Lacey and how he forced her to have an abortion, because he Almost destroyed her" Christine said as Kendall nodded knowing she couldn't forgive him


Kendall walked into Lacey's room and smiled as she looked to her little sister. She felt her heart break as she looked to her. She could see how much Lacey was struggling with what had happened when she was away. Kendall looked to her and smiled "I know that you have neem through a lot and I know that you some want to talk about it but I promise you that I am here for you and I love you and that one way or another we will get past this as a family, and I promise you I will be here for you" Kendall said as Lacey looked to her and smiled


Kendall sighed to herself as she got to Simons. She left Connor and Imogen looking after lily. She walked into the flat and looked to Simon and sighed "why happened, happened but it can't happen again. I can't not after Lacey" she said as he looked to her "I know that you still love me which is why I want another chance" he said as he leant in and kissed her. Kendall kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as she wrapped her legs around his waist as he lead her into the bedroom as they stripped off. He looked to her and smirked as he climbed on top of her and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her but how long could Kendall deny she was still in love with him for?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now