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Kendall lay in bed as she looked to her scan photo and smiled. She had leant that she and Simon were having a girl. Kendall couldn't help but feel as if Simon wasn't interested in their baby all he seemed to be interested in was getting rid of Lacey which annoyed Kendall. She knew Lacey was out of control but Lacey was her sister and Kendall didn't want to give up on her, Kendall knew hat everyone else had and she wasn't going to do so. Kendall walked into the kitchen and smiled as she spotted Simon "hey" she said as he looked to her and smirked. She walked over to him and kissed him as he lifted her up onto the bench top and stood between her legs kissing her as she ran her hands through his hair as Lacey walked into the room and cleared her throat.

They pulled away and looked to Lacey as Simon sighed "I have a meeting I'll see you later" he said as he asked off before looking to Lacey. Kendall frowned as she saw them and looked to Lacey "what's up with you two?" She asked as Lacey sighed "nothing" Lacey said as Kendall nodded. Kendall looked to Lacey and smiled "do you want me to go back to mum?" She asked as Kendall looked to her and frowned "is that what you want?" She asked as Lacey shock her head "then no, going back to our mother, your staying here" Kendall said as Lacey looked to her and smiled. "Besides we grew up with the same mum and we know that it might not be the best not to live with her" Kendall said as Lacey smiled "yeah, your right"
Lacey said as Kendall hugged her and smiled.


Later that day, Kendall got to work and smiled to Lacey as she looked to Simon causing Kendall to sigh. She knew that there was something happening with both her boyfriend and her sister. Kendall looked to Simon who was busy with the community cafe and sighed as she walked over to him "what is going on with you two? Have you said something to her? She is this baby's auntie and my sister so sort it Simon and skin make me choose between you both as I will" she said as he looked to her and sighed. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him "im sorry, I'm just not use to sharing you that's all, I'll try and be nicer" he said as Kendall looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her.


Kendall walked into the staffroom and sighed as she spotted Christine. Kendall sat down and placed a hand on her stomach and sighed as Christine walked over to her "we need to talk about Lacey" she said as Kendall rolled her eyes "no, we don't, this is nothing to do with me it is Lacey's decision" Kendall said "yeah, and I know you and I bet you are turning her against me with your poison" Christine spat as Kendall looked to her and rolled her eyes "no, your poisonous does that, the poison you but before me and your children" Kendall said as she stood up and went to walk out of the room as Christine walked after her.

"This is typical of you" Christine said as Kendall turned to face her and frowned "what is? Covering for you again? Putting Connor and Lacey before myself, before you for being a mother to them when it should of been you, for doing your job at seven year old and raising my siblings so social services didn't come and take them away, yeah that is typical" Kendall said as Christine looked to her and glared "your a brat" "I wouldn't who I take after" Kendall yelled. She was aware of the crowds of students and staff that surrounded them, she spotted Lacey who was standing and watching "I wish I never had you, you were meant to be aborted and I wish you were" Christine said as Kendall looked to her with tears in her eyes before she slapped Christine who fell to the floor clutching her cheek as Kendall walked off trying her hardest not to cry.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now