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A/N: Lacey Mulgree and may kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_

Kendall sighed to herself as she sat in bed. She sat in bed texting as Simon walked in. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and looked to Kendall and frowned "who are you texting?" He asked "my sister" she said as he looked to her and frowned "sister? I didn’t know that you had a sister?" He asked as Kendall sent the text and placed her phone down and looked to Simon and smiled "lacey, she's a little troublemaker, she's me when I was younger. just worse. I Practically raised her and Connor when we were younger" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and smiled "you could have told me, maybe I'll get to meet her" he said as Kendall looked to him and chuckled.

"oh, you will lacey has been expelled and is starting at waterloo road today" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and nodded "trouble you say? like you?" He asked as Kendall smirked "you don't know the half of it" she said as he looked to her "don’t you think you should tell Christine, about the baby, lacey even" he asked as she looked to him and sighed "my mum still sees me as a kid, I'm not ready for her to know, just yet. I'll tell lacey" Kendall said as Simon walked over to her and kissed her forehead "it will be okay" he said as she smiled.


Kendall sighed to herself as she got to work. She stood in the staffroom as she saw sue who was flirting with Simon. Kendall was anxious on seeing her sister, she hadn't seen lacey since she had left for university and knew that lacey might of resented her for it, for leaving. Sue walked past and looked to her "I hear your sister is coming, is she a little slag like you" Sue asked as Kendall looked ot her and frowned "why don’t you go to hell, your desperate cow" Kendall spat. She knew that the hormones were getting to her. She walked out of the room as Simon walked after her "ken? He called as he grabbed her arm but she pulled away from him "no, Simon, you told your ex, I swear to god, I told my boyfriend about my sister, will you just not tell everyone" she yelled as he sighed "I'm sorry" he said as she rolled her eyes.

"trouble in paradise?" Kendall heard someone say. She turned around and smiled as she lacey. Kendall smiled and walked over to her and hugged her "hey kidda" Kendall said as Lacey rolled her eyes "so, are you doing him?" Lacey asked as Kendall chuckled and looked back at Simon "you could say that" Kendall said.


Kendall pulled Lacey into her classroom and smiled "you have certainly grown up" Kendall said as Lacey looked to her and smiled "well I'm not thirteen anymore" she said as Kendal smiled, She felt bad for leaving "I'm sorry, but i had to go, you know what mum was like" Kendall said as lacey looked to her and smiled "I don't blame you, I would of done the same, but a lot has happened in three years I'm not a little kid anymore" Lacey said as Kendall smiled "I can see that" "so, what's new?" Lacey asked as Kendall looked to her "not much, you're going to be an auntie" "your pregnant, does mummy dearest k now" lacey asked as Kendall chuckled "no, jut you" "awesome" lacey said as Kendall smiled. She was happy to have her little sister back.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now