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Kendall groaned to herself as she woke up in bed with Simon. She sat up from the bed and frowned as she felt sick. She stood up and rushed to the bathroom and threw up as she felt the nausea hit her. She ran a hand through her hair and groaned once she was finished being sick. She sat on the bathroom floor and pulled her knees to her chest and sighed as Simon walked in. He stood in a pair of boxers and looked to Kendall and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as he walked over to her as she sighed and looked to her "you had to get me pregnant, didn’t you?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled "I think we are both responsible" Simon said as she sighed "yet I'm the one suffering" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and rolled his eyes "help me up" she said as he nodded. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet and smiled "you still look like your glowing" he asked as she rolled her eyes "you spent half the night and morning throwing up and you will be glowing too" Kendall said as he looked to her and chuckled.

Simon placed a hand on her cheek and she smiled to her "it will be okay, you know, we will be good parents, we have this baby and we are going to be a family and i know that you haven't had a stable family, but it will be okay. I'm here" Simon said as she looked to him and smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled "what would I do without you?" She asked as she leant in and brushed her lips against his.


Kendall walked into work later that morning and walked to the office and saw Simon who was sitting behind the desk. She looked to him and smiled "where's my mother?" She asked as Simon looked to her and smiled "week off, how did the doctors go?" He asked as she smiled to him "fine, everything is fine. Our baby is fine" she said as he stood up and placed a hand on her stomach and smiled as he kissed her. She walked to the window and frowned "Simon, what's going on and why is there a load of students on the roof" Kendall asked as he walked over to her and looked out of the window and sighed "I don’t believe it, lula is being deported, i told Maggie and Audrey not to do anything" Simon said as Kendall looked to him and smiled "so much for a normal day being the boss" Kendall said as he sighed "like there's  such thing as a normal day here" tom said as Kendall nodded in agreement.

Kendall walked into the staffroom and spotted Simon. He stood with a coffee in his hand as he looked out of the window "what are you going to do?" Kendall asked as he looked to her in confusion "lula, you're in charge Simon, she can't just go away, this is her home" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and sighed "she needs to go back, Kendall you know that" Simon said as Kendall looked to him "she's a young girl Simon, and your acting like an arse" Kendall said as she walked out of the room.


Kendall sighed as she sat in her classroom as Simon walked in. He looked to her and smiled "I'm sorry, your right, I should of done something but lula decided to leave, but have you seen it out there, I got control half of the staff" Simon said as Kendall ran her hands through her hair and smiled to him "you're not to blame, it's just got out of hand" she said as he smiled to her "Christine is going to be so mad" he said as she stood up and placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him "we will deal with it together" Kendall said as he smiled to her.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now