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Kendall was apprehensive about the fact she was pregnant again. She knew that she and Simon had promised to make it all work. And she knew that they wanted to give their kids the family they wanted.

Kendall woke that morning and smiled as she saw Simon sitting in bed with Lily. She was giggling. Kendall looked at him. "And what are you two up to?" She asked.

Simon smiled and kissed her. "Morning babe. Me and Lilybug are just giggling. She loves it when you giggle with her," he said.

Kendall grinned. She took her baby from Simon and kissed her head. She sighed. "Do you think we can do this? Have another baby?"

Simon nodded and smiled. "Yes. I think we can do it. We both have stable incomes. We have a perfect home," he told her.

"I guess you're right."

Simon took her hand and kissed her. "Me and you. We've got this."

Kendall smiled and nodded. But she wasn't so sure.

Kendall went into work. Simon had left earlier than her as he had a meeting with Christine. Kendall knew she and Simon had agreed to not tell anyone about the baby.

Kendall took Lily into the crèche. She smiled as she saw Lacey. "Hey you. What's up?" She asked as she looked at her.

Lacey sighed. "Mum is going on and on about how Simon is going to become the head of the school. And I think he would be a good head."

Kendall nodded. "Yeah me too babes. You haven't told mum about me and Simon having another baby?" She asked.

Lacey shook her head and sighed. "No. She would actually have to acknowledge that I'm there for that to happen. But even if she did know I was there, I wouldn't tell her. It's none of her business."

Kendall smiled. She looked at her sister. "Are you okay? You don't seem to be okay."

Lacey shrugged. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me," she told her as she sighed.

Kendall frowned. She knew her little sister. And she knew she wasn't okay. "You know you can talk to me. If there's anything bothering you. I won't judge you."

"I know. I'm fine though. I promise," Lacey said as she walked off.

Kendall frowned to herself. She wanted to know what was going on.

Simon walked into Kendall's classroom. She looked up and smiled. "How was the meeting? Lacey was telling me that you had the makings to be a good head," she said.

Simon laughed. He looked at her. "Yeah. She's a good kid. I just think this school needs some leadership that can take it into the future."

Kendall smiled and nodded. She sighed. "I think she's hiding something from me. Lacey that is. And I'm worried. The last time she was quiet, all that happened before."

Simon looked to her. "Do you want me to talk to her? I can't promise she'll open up to me. But I can try?" He asked.

"If you don't mind."

Kendall and Simon went back home. Kendall sighed as she put Lily down to play. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed.

She knew that she and Simon had to somehow make it work. But how long until it went wrong?

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