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Kendall knew how she felt weird. She felt as though there was something bad going to happen. She didn't know what it was. But she felt as though it was all getting too much.

She knew how she was pregnant. And she was overtired from looking after a toddler too. It was hard work.

She had Simon. And he was brilliant with Lilly. But she felt uneasy. Like there was something wrong with her. She didn't know what it was.

Lilly was a good little girl. She never played up. She never was naughty. She was amazing to be a mummy to.

Simon had seen how Kendall had changed. There was something going on with her. And he was worried.

He knew she was always keeping an eye on Lilly. Even at work. She was always going off to the crèche to check on her.

Simon couldn't help but feel like Kendall's mental health was about to deteriorate. And he didn't want that for her.

All either of them knew was that things were changing. And it wasn't going to be easy at all.

Morning came all too quickly for them both. Kendall yawned as she opened her eyes. Simon looked to her. "Hey. Did you sleep okay?" He asked.

Kendall nodded. She smiled. "I slept like a baby. Which is weird. All things considering. I have a baby pressing down on my bladder. And then I have you snoring," she told him.

Simon smirked. "I don't snore. I express my aliveness."

Kendall rolled her eyes. She smiled. "Sure babe. I need to get up and make breakfast," she mumbled.

Simon shook his head and smiled. "I'll make it. You just relax. Go and spend time with Lilly who will no doubt be waking up in a moment."

Kendall watched as he walked out of the room. She sighed. Knowing how it all felt weird.

She left the bedroom herself and walked into Lilly's bedroom. She saw her sitting there playing with her toys. Kendall looked to her and smiled. "I love you sweetie."


"Yeah. I'm here."

Kendall went into work. She saw Lacey and smiled. "Hey. You okay?" She asked.

Lacey said nothing. She just nodded. Kendall frowned. She knew her sister. And she knew when something was bothering her. "Talk to me. What's going on?" She asked.

Lacey sighed. "Mum. She's keeping something from me. I don't know what. But I found a bottle of vodka this morning. Half empty. I didn't drink it."

"I believe you. I'll sort it. I promise."

Kendall turned and walked off. She was hoping her mum wasn't drinking again. She didn't want to go through all that had happened again.

Kendall walked into Christine's office. She looked to her. "Tell me you're not drinking again. Because if you are, you're sick. And it's not fair on Lacey."

Christine rolled her eyes. She looked to her daughter. "You have no right talking to me like that. I'm an adult. Now. I suggest you turn around and walk off. If I want to drink, then I will," she said.

Kendall said nothing as she turned and walked off. Not knowing how things were about to turn darker for her. Especially as her mental health declined.

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